wodehouse pelham grenville psmith in the city

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Psmith in the City

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Psmith in the City


When Psmith finds himself working in the City for the pompous Mr Bickersdyke, he makes it his mission to bring a little sweetness and light into the bank manager's life. The monocled wit with the suave manner and the chivalrous but devil-may-care attitude to life is determined not to let honest toil depress him. The consequence is a series of battles in which Bickersdyke comes off worst and Wodehouse's readers best.

2919 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Psmith, Journalist

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Psmith, Journalist


When two of Wodehouse's favourite early characters, Psmith and Mike, find themselves in New York City, it isn't long before those quintessential Englishmen are involved in the mysteries of American gang warfare. Their adventure begins when they meet the acting editor of Cosy Moments, a sentimental magazine which Psmith transforms into a crusading journal attacking slum landlords. When one of their targets sets the underworld onto them, the fun really takes off. Psmith, Journalist is an extraordinary combination of comedy, adventure story and – unusually in Wodehouse – social comment. There is even a boxing match graphically described. As such, it is unique among his novels in content, but characteristic in wit and entertainment value.

2919 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Mike and Psmith

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Mike and Psmith


An early Wodehouse novel, this is both a sporting story and a tale of friendship between two boys at boarding school. Mike (introduced in Mike at Wrykyn) is a seriously good cricketer who forms an unlikely alliance with old Etonian Psmith ('the P is silent') after they both find themselves fish out of water at a new school, Sedleigh. Full of entertainment, the plot reaches a satisfying conclusion as the pair eventually overcome the hostility of others and their own prejudices to become stars. Even readers uninterested in cricket are likely to be gripped by descriptions of matches, but the real meat of the book is to be found in the characters, especially the elegant Psmith, one of Wodehouse's immortal creations, who features in three of his later novels.

2919 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Leave it to Psmith

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Leave it to Psmith


'It seems to me that you and I were made for each other. I am your best friend's best friend and we both have a taste for stealing other people's jewellery.' Lady Constance Keeble has both an imperious manner and a valuable diamond necklace. The precarious peace of Blandings is shattered when her necklace becomes the object of desire for some well-connected jewel thieves - among them the Honourable Freddie Threepwood, who wants the reward money for a bookmaking business, and Psmith, the elegant socialist. On patrol with the impossible task of bringing order to Blandings is the Efficient Baxter, whose strivings lead to a memorable encounter with the castle flowerpots.

1420 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Leave it to Psmith

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Leave it to Psmith


It all starts with an umbrella, the best to be found in the Drones Club. From such an innocent beginning Wodehouse weaves a comic tale of suspense and romance involving one of his most distinctive early heroes, Ronald Eustace Psmith, monocled wit and devil-may-care boulevardier. Unusually for Wodehouse, this is not only a light comedy but also an adventure story in which crime and even gun-play drive the plot.

2864 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Joy in the Morning

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Joy in the Morning


Trapped in the rural hell-hole of Steeple Bumpleigh with his bossy ex-fiancee, Florence Craye, her fire-breathing father, Lord Worplesdon, her frightful Boy-Scout brother, Edwin, and her beefy new betrothed, 'Stilton' Cheesewright, Bertie Wooster finds himself walking a diplomatic tightrope. With Florence threatening to ditch Stilton for Bertie, and Stilton threatening to trample on Bertie's insides if she does, things look black until Jeeves arrives to save the day. One of Wodehouse's most sparkling comedies, replete with an attendant cast of tyrannical aunts, demon children and literary fatheads.

4351 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Jeeves in the Offing

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Jeeves in the Offing


Anyone who involves himself with Roberta Wickham is asking for trouble, so naturally Bertie Wooster finds himself in just that situation when he goes to stay with his Aunt Dahlia at Brinkley Court. So much is obvious. Why celebrated loony-doctor Sir Roderick Glossop should be there too, masquerading as a butler, is less clear. As for Bertie’s former headmaster, the ghastly Aubrey Upjohn, the dreadful novelist, Mrs Homer Cream and her eccentric son Wilbert, their presence is entirely perplexing. Without Jeeves to help him solve these mysteries, Bertie nearly comes unstuck. It is only when that peerless manservant returns from his holiday that the resulting tangle of problems is sorted out to everyone’s satisfaction – except Bertie’s.

3100 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Money in the Bank

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Money in the Bank


When George, Viscount Uffenham turns the entire family fortune into diamonds and squirrels them away, naturally he forgets where he has hidden the loot and finds himself compelled to let the family seat to stay afloat. So it is that Mrs Cork’s health colony comes into being, providing the perfect setting for crime and young love to flower.

2919 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Girl in Blue

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Girl in Blue


This charming novel is one of Wodehouse’s best late works. The vintage plot concerns a Gainsborough miniature, a mouldering country house, an overweight solicitor, a fortune-hunter, a butler who isn’t a butler, an American corporate lawyer and his kleptomaniac sister; but the heart of the story – in every sense –concerns Jerry West and his determined pursuit of air hostess Jane Hunnicutt. When Jane unexpectedly becomes a millionairess, Jerry despairs of wooing her, but the sun never goes behind a cloud for long in Wodehouse: Jerry gets his Jane in the end, but only after a series of trials which raise the comic stakes to the author’s highest level.

2673 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Ice in the Bedroom

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Ice in the Bedroom


Freddie Widgeon wants the money to buy shares in a coffee plantation in Kenya so that he can marry Sally Foster. Soapy and Dolly Molloy want to get their hands on a cache of stolen jewels hidden in the house of Freddie’s neighbour in the London suburb of Valley Fields. When their paths cross, the ensuing misunderstandings lead to vintage Wodehouse comedy.

2673 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Jeeves in the Offing

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Jeeves in the Offing


A Jeeves and Wooster novel Jeeves is on holiday in Herne Bay, and while he's away the world caves in on Bertie Wooster. For a start, he's astonished to read in The Times of his engagement to the mercurial Bobbie Wickham. Then at Brinkley Court, his Aunt Dahlia's establishment, he finds his awful former head master in attendance ready to award the prizes at Market Snodsbury Grammar School. And finally the Brinkley butler turns out for reasons of his own to be Bertie's nemesis in disguise, the brain surgeon Sir Roderick Glossop. With all occasions informing against him, Bertie has to hightail it to Herne Bay to liberate Jeeves from his shrimping net. And after that, the fun really starts.

2177 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Joy in the Morning

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Joy in the Morning


This book is a Jeeves and Wooster novel. Trapped in rural Steeple Bumpleigh, a man less stalwart than Bertie Wooster would probably give way at the knees. For among those present were Florence Craye, to whom Bertie had once been engaged and her new fiance 'Stilton' Cheesewright, who sees Bertie as a snake in the grass. And that biggest blot on the landscape, Edwin the Boy Scout, who is busy doing acts of kindness out of sheer malevolence. All Bertie's forebodings are fully justified. For in his efforts to oil the wheels of commerce, promote the course of true love and avoid the consequences of a vendetta, he becomes the prey of all and sundry. In fact only Jeeves can save him.

2070 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Jeeves in the offing

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Jeeves in the offing


В книгу вошли четыре произведения всемирно известного писателя - роман "Дживс в отпуске" (1960) и три новеллы из популярного комедийного цикла "Дживс и Вустер" о молодом английском аристократе Берти Вустере и его камердинере Дживсе.

285 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Girl in Blue

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Girl in Blue


Young Jerry West has a few problems. His uncle Crispin is broke and employs a butler who isn't all he seems. His other uncle Willoughby is rich but won't hand over any of his inheritance. And to cap it all, although already engaged, Jerry has just fallen in love with the wonderful Jane Hunnicutt, whom he's just met on jury service. But she's an heiress, and that's a problem too - because even if he can extricate himself from his grasping fiancee, Jerry can' be a gold-digger. Enter "The Girl in Blue" - a Gainsborough miniature which someone has stolen from Uncle Willoughby. Jerry sets out on a mission to find her - and somehow hilariously in the process everything comes right.

2174 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Pothunters

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Pothunters


'What a mad thing to go and do. Jolly sporting, though.' Suspicion abounds at St Austin's School when two silver trophies, or 'pots', are stolen from the cricket pavilion. Jim Thomson, a talented sportsman who due to an unfortunate series of coincidences could be thought to be the burglar, resolves to clear his name. Featuring a man from Scotland Yard, chases through the woods and an exasperated headmaster, Wodehouse's first novel is a paean to his beloved, idyllic late Victorian schooldays, punctuated by bouts of gentlemanly sport and comic escapades. All the hallmarks of what makes Wodehouse the greatest comic writer of all are in evidence here, in a spiffing read for Wodehouse aficionados and the uninitiated alike.

3147 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Pothunters

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Pothunters


When someone breaks into the cricket pavilion and steals two silver cups, the whole school is agog. Could it possibly be an inside job? Nothing less than the honour of St Austin’s is at stake, not to mention the reputation of Jim Thomson, an excellent athlete with a talent for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In this charming novel of school life, the first book he published, Wodehouse demonstrates right away a talent for story-telling and characterization, and a sharp ear for the inflections of schoolboy speech, still recognizable after more than a century. But what marks the story out from others of the same sort are the many humorous touches which hint at a master of comedy in the making.

2674 Руб.

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