walther i f impressionist art 1860 1920

Walther I.F. Impressionist Art (1860-1920)

Walther I.F. Impressionist Art (1860-1920)


With blockbuster exhibitions, record-breaking auctions, and packed museums, Impressionism remains close contender for the world`s favorite period of painting. This comprehensive book covers the movement`s key innovations and all of its artist pioneers, including unjustly neglected practitioners such as Berthe Morisot and Lucien Pissarro.

2311 Руб.

Walther I.F. Impressionist Art (1860-1920)

Walther I.F. Impressionist Art (1860-1920)


With blockbuster exhibitions, record-breaking auctions, and packed museums, Impressionism remains close contender for the world`s favorite period of painting. This comprehensive book covers the movement`s key innovations and all of its artist pioneers, including unjustly neglected practitioners such as Berthe Morisot and Lucien Pissarro.

2311 Руб.

Impressionist Art 1860-1920

Impressionist Art 1860-1920


Brushwork revolution: The neglected champions of Impressionism. It was a dappled and daubed harbor scene that gave Impressionism its name. When Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet was exhibited in April 1874, critics seized upon the work's title and its loose stylistic rendering of light and motion upon water to deride this new, impressionistic, tendency in art. As with many seminal art movements, the critics got their comeuppance. Today, Impressionism is close contender for the world's favorite period of painting. With blockbuster exhibitions, record-breaking auction prices, and packed museums, the works once dismissed as unfinished or imprecise are now beloved for their atmospheric evocation of time and place, as well as the stylistic flair of rapid brushstrokes upon canvas. Despite its popularity and a whole host of publications, many areas and artists of Impressionism remain inadequately researched. This TASCHEN book fills the gap, raising the profile of unjustly neglected pioneers such as Berthe Morisot, Lucien Pissarro, and Gustave Caillebotte, while exploring the characteristics of Impressionism, from painting en plein air to vivid color contrasts, not only in the movement's native France but also across the rest of Europe and North America. About the series: Bibliotheca Universalis- Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia. Bookworm's delight - never bore, always excite!

5049 Руб.

Heine Florian Impressionism. 13 Artists Children Should Know

Heine Florian Impressionism. 13 Artists Children Should Know


Presenting a variety of impressionist art, this inviting book shows young readers how painters from Claude Monet to John Singer Sargent introduced impressionist styles of painting and so changed the course of art. In this beautifully produced volume, young readers are given the opportunity to study masterpieces of Impressionist work in great detail. From Monet's Impression, Sunrise, which is attributed to starting the movement, to Seurat's pointillist masterpiece, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, each painting is reproduced on its own page with descriptive texts, biographical details of the artist, and entertaining facts. Along the way readers will learn the historic context of these paintings as well as a variety of artistic terms. The book also offers playful suggestions for creating Impressionist art at home or school as well as ideas that will help young readers appreciate why the Impressionist style was at once revolutionary and timeless.

1334 Руб.

Impressionnisme 1860-1920

Impressionnisme 1860-1920


Les genies delaisses de l’impressionnisme C’est la vue d’un port, une scene experimentale aux touches imprecises, qui donna son nom a l’impressionnisme. Quand Impression, soleil levant de Claude Monet fut expose en avril 1874, les critiques se sont empares du nom de l’?uvre et de son rendu esthetique en apparence mal maitrise de la lumiere et du mouvement de l’eau pour designer cette nouvelle tendance, impressionniste, de l’art. Comme dans bien d’autres mouvements artistiques majeurs, les critiques d’art ont ete bien mal inspires. Aujourd’hui, l’impressionnisme est un serieux candidat au titre de courant pictural prefere au monde. Avec ses expositions ultra-frequentees, ses prix de vente aux encheres record et ses musees bondes, les ?uvres autrefois ignorees, car considerees comme inachevees ou floues, sont a present vivement appreciees pour leur ambiance evocatrice du temps et des lieux ainsi que pour le sens artistique qui se degage des coups de pinceau librement poses sur la toile. Malgre sa popularite et une multitude de publications, certains aspects de la peinture impressionniste comme certains de ses artistes restent encore insuffisamment explores. Cet ouvrage de TASCHEN entend combler cette lacune en tracant le portrait de pionniers injustement delaisses comme Berthe Morisot, Lucien Pissarro et Gustave Caillebotte et en se penchant sur les specificites de l’impressionnisme, depuis la peinture en plein air jusqu’aux vifs contrastes de couleur, sans se limiter a la France, pays d’origine du mouvement, mais en abordant aussi les autres pays europeens et l’Amerique du Nord.

4579 Руб.

Walther Ingo F. Art of the 20th Century

Walther Ingo F. Art of the 20th Century


The quintessential roundup of art from 1900-2000. Who could possibly have forecast on New Year's Eve 1899 that, one hundred years later, painting and sculpture would be only options, not prerequisites? The term "art" has been defined and redefined so many times over the last 100 years that it has gained entirely new social, political, and technological meanings. Ranging across the full spectrum of disciplines available, including photography and new media, and thematically chaptered to highlight relationships between works and movements, this readable and encyclopaedic masterwork does just what it says on the cover. Whether you want Surrealism or Land Art, Fluxus or Bauhaus, this is your be-all, end-all guide to art of the 20th century. An undertaking as immensely ambitious as this one deserves to be owned by everyone.

6979 Руб.

Ingo F. Walther. Gauguin

Ingo F. Walther. Gauguin

Пр-во: Республика

Поль Гоген (1848–1903) не нуждался в финансах. Он также не продержался особенно долго во французском флоте или продавцом брезента в Копенгагене, который не говорил по-датски. Он начал рисовать в свободное время в 1873 году, а в 1876 году принял участие в парижском Салоне. Три года спустя он выставлялся вместе с Писсарро, Дега и Моне. Склочный, запойный человек, Гоген часто называл себя дикарем. Его близкая, но опасная дружба с таким же темпераментным Винсентом Ван Гогом достигла апогея в жестоком инциденте в 1888 году, когда Ван Гог якобы столкнул Гогена с лезвием бритвы, а затем отрезал себе ухо. Вскоре после этого, после завершения шедевра середины карьеры «Видение после проповеди» (1888), Гоген отправился на Таити с намерением избежать «всего искусственного и условного» люди, и фигуративные изображения взлетели, стимулируя обильный выпуск картин и гравюр. В таких работах, как «Женщина с цветком» (Vahine no te Tiare, 1891) и «Священная весна: сладкие сны» (Nave Nave Moe, 1894), он разработал отчетливый примитивистский стиль, буквально источающий солнечный свет и цвет. В традициях экзотической чувственности его густые, маслянистые мазки краски задерживались, в частности, на изгибах таитянских женщин. Гоген умер в одиночестве на соседних с Таити Маркизских островах, многие из его личных бумаг и вещей были распроданы на местном аукционе. Только когда толковый арт-дилер начал курировать и показывать работы Гогена в Париже, глубокое влияние художника стало ощущаться, особенно среди нового поколения французских художников-авангардистов, таких как Пикассо и Матисс. Поистине яркая жизнь художника, от импрессионистских салонов Парижа 1870-х годов до его последних дней в Тихом океане, продуктивная и страстная до самого конца.О серии. Основанная в 1985 году, серия Basic Art превратилась в самую продаваемую коллекцию книг по искусству из когда-либо изданных. Каждая книга серии TASCHEN «Основное искусство» содержит: подробное хронологическое изложение жизни и творчества художника, освещающее его или ее культурное и историческое значение, краткую биографию, около 100 иллюстраций с поясняющими подписями.Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) was not cut out for finance. Nor did he last particularly long in the French Navy, or as a tarpaulin salesman in Copenhagen who did not speak Danish. He began painting in his spare time in 1873 and in 1876 took part in the Paris Salon. Three years later, he was exhibiting alongside Pissarro, Degas, and Monet.. . A querulous, hard-drinking individual, Gauguin often called himself a savage. His close but fraught friendship with the similarly temperamental Vincent van Gogh climaxed in a violent incident in 1888, when van Gogh purportedly confronted Gauguin with a razor blade, and later cut off his own ear. Shortly afterwards, following the completion of a midcareer masterpiece Vision After the Sermon (1888), Gauguin took himself to Tahiti, with the intention of escaping “everything that is artificial and conventional…” On Tahiti,...

1856 Руб.

Walther Ingo F. Gauguin

Walther Ingo F. Gauguin


Le regard de Paul Gauguin sur le Pacifique resplendit de couleurs et de lumiere Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) n’etait pas fait pour la finance. Ni pour faire carriere dans la marine francaise, ni pour demeurer vendeur de baches a Copenhague sans parler un mot de danois. C’est dans son temps libre qu’il debuta la peinture en 1873 et participa en 1876 au Salon de Paris. Trois ans plus tard, il etait expose aux cotes de Pissaro, Degas et Monet. Homme bourru, grand buveur, Gauguin se qualifiait lui-meme aussi de sauvage. Son etroite mais difficile amitie avec le tout aussi imprevisible Vincent van Gogh connut un violent epilogue en 1888, quand Van Gogh se defend soi-disant de Gauguin avec une lame de rasoir et, l’instant d’apres, se tranche l’oreille. Peu apres, ayant acheve La vision apres le sermon (1888), chef-d’?uvre marquant le milieu de sa carriere, Gauguin decide de partir pour Tahiti avec l’intention d’echapper a «tout ce qui est artificiel et conventionnel…» Sur place, Gauguin jouit sans entraves de la nature de l’ile, des autochtones et de la profusion des images qui lui inspirent une production foisonnante de peintures et de gravures. A travers des ?uvres comme La femme a la fleur (Vahine no te Tiare, 1891) ou Joie de se reposer (Nave Nave Moe, 1894), il developpe un style particulier, primitif, rayonnant intensement de lumiere et de couleurs. Dans la tradition de la sensualite exotique, ses coups de pinceau denses, debordant de peinture, epousent et s’attardent sur les courbes des tahitiennes. Gauguin meurt seul, sur les iles Marquises voisines de Tahiti, la plupart de ses affaires ayant ete dispersees dans des ventes aux encheres locales. Il a fallu attendre qu’un habile marchand d’art commence a collectionner et a montrer l’?uvre de Gauguin a Paris pour que la profonde influence du peintre se fasse reellement sentir, notamment aupres de la nouvelle generation des artistes francais d’avant-garde, tels que Picasso et Matisse. Cet ouvrage presente un apercu essentiel de l’univers de l’artiste, si riche en couleurs, depuis les Salons impressionnistes parisiens des annees 1870 jusqu’a la fin de sa vie, productive et passionnee, dans le Pacifique.

3435 Руб.

Skea Ralph Impressionism

Skea Ralph Impressionism


It is often forgotten just how provocative Impressionist canvases seemed when they were first exhibited in 1874. The advocates of the new style rejected the established principles of art prevalent at that time in France. This book traces Impressionism's origins to its spread to America and Australia. Ralph Skea shows how Impressionist artists transformed everyday subject matter. Daringly using colour and rapid brushstrokes, the Impressionists worked out of doors, creating paintings that captured the transient effects of light and feeling. Impressionism's initial shock factor gradually gave way to widespread acceptance, but only now can we appreciate how profound its influence has been on modern art.

3337 Руб.

Значок Micio, мультиколор

Значок Micio, мультиколор

Пр-во: Micio

5256015 Набор: значки на открытке Art F. R. I. E. N. D. S, d=2,5 см

289 Руб.

Walther Ingo F. Paul Gauguin

Walther Ingo F. Paul Gauguin


Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) was not cut out for finance. Nor did he last particularly long in the French Navy, or as a tarpaulin salesman in Copenhagen who did not speak Danish. He began painting in his spare time in 1873 and in 1876 took part in the Paris Salon. Three years later, he was exhibiting alongside Pissarro, Degas, and Monet. A querulous, hard-drinking individual, Gauguin often called himself a savage. His close but fraught friendship with the similarly temperamental Vincent van Gogh climaxed in a violent incident in 1888, when van Gogh purportedly confronted Gauguin with a razor blade, and later cut off his own ear. Shortly afterwards, following the completion of a midcareer masterpiece Vision After the Sermon (1888), Gauguin took himself to Tahiti, with the intention of escaping "everything that is artificial and conventional..." On Tahiti, Gauguin's unfettered joy in the island's nature, native people, and figurative images soared, spurring a prolific output of paintings and prints. In works such as Woman with a Flower (Vahine no te Tiare, 1891) and Sacred Spring: Sweet Dreams (Nave Nave Moe, 1894), he developed a distinct, Primitivist style that positively oozed with sunshine and color. In the tradition of exotic sensuality, his thick, buttery lashings of paint lingered in particular over the curves of Tahitian women. Gauguin died alone, on Tahiti's neighboring Marquesas Islands, with many of his personal papers and belongings dispersed in a local auction. It was not until a smart art dealer began curating and showing Gauguin's work in Paris that the artist's profound influence began making itself felt, especially to the new breed of French avant-garde artists, such as Picasso and Matisse. This book offers the essential introduction the artist's truly colorful life, from the Impressionist salons of 1870s Paris to his final days in the Pacific, productive and passionate to the end.

3031 Руб.

Walther Ingo F. Van Gogh

Walther Ingo F. Van Gogh


From the early gloom-laden paintings to the works of his final years under a southern sun in Arles "This man will either go insane or leave us all far behind," prophesied the great Impressionist Camille Pissarro. The man was Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), a vicar's son born at Groot-Zundert near Breda in Holland, who at that time was struggling to find buyers for his paintings. Van Gogh did indeed go at least to the brink of insanity. And he has long been recognised as one of the greatest modern artists. Van Gogh, who followed a variety of professions before becoming an artist, was a solitary, despairing and self-destructive man his whole life long. His truest friend was his brother Theo, who supported him unstintingly throughout and followed him to the grave just six months later. This richly illustrated study by two experts on van Gogh follows the artist from the early gloom-laden paintings in which he captured the misery of peasants and workers in his home parts, through the bright and colourful paintings he did in Paris, to the work of his final years under a southern sun in Arles, where he at last found the light that produced the unmistakable van Gogh style. At Arles, Saint-Remy and Auvers-sur-Oise, in the feverish burst of creative energy that marked the last two and a half years of his life, he produced the 463 paintings on which his immortality rests. Van Gogh craved recognition during his lifetime but was denied it till after his self-inflicted death. Today he is universally seen as one of the great forerunners of 20th century painting, and one of the tragic masters of art.

1012 Руб.

Walther Ingo F. Van Gogh

Walther Ingo F. Van Gogh


Le genie torture d’un maitre du post-impressionnisme Aujourd’hui, les ?uvres de Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) sont parmi les plus connues et les plus celebrees dans le monde. Les Tournesols, La Nuit etoilee ou l’Autoportrait a l’oreille bandee, parmi tant d’autres de ses peintures et dessins, laissent transparaitre la dexterite unique de l’artiste a representer les ambiances et les lieux par la peinture, le crayon, le fusain ou le pastel. Pourtant alors qu’il deployait les couleurs vibrantes en touches expressives et les formes au contour delimite qui allaient faire sa renommee, van Gogh luttait contre le desinteret de ses contemporains, mais aussi contre ses crises de folie. Ses episodes de depression et d’angoisse ont finalement eu raison de lui, puisqu’il se suicida en 1890, peu apres son 37e anniversaire. Cette introduction richement illustree retrace la vie de Vincent van Gogh: ses premieres ?uvres figurant paysans et ouvriers agricoles, sa lumineuse periode parisienne et son dernier sursaut creatif, plein de frenesie, durant les deux dernieres annees de sa vie qu’il passa dans le Sud de la France.

3435 Руб.

Sagner-Duchting Karin Monet

Sagner-Duchting Karin Monet


Claude Monet (1840-1926) was both the most typical and the most individual painter associated with the Impressionist movement. His long life and extraordinary work were dedicated to a pictorial exploration of the sensations which reality, and in particular landscape, offer the human eye. Monet`s poplars, grain stacks, Rouen Cathedral, and waterlily paintings - among the most beloved works of the Impressionist period - were created long before the currents of the contemporary avant-garde and had an inestimable influence on the development of modern art. This book traces the life`s work of one of art history`s most beloved painters. About the author: Karin Sagner-Duchting studied art history, modern German literature, and classical archaeology at Munich University. She received her doctorate in 1983 with a thesis on Claude Monet's water lily paintings and was academic assistant at the Bayerische Staatsgemaldesammlungen until 1988. Based in Munich, she researches and publishes in the field of 19th-century art. Издание на английском языке.

1012 Руб.

Whirlpool 481010596938 Средний ящик для холодильника IKEA, Whirlpool, Indesit

Whirlpool 481010596938 Средний ящик для холодильника IKEA, Whirlpool, Indesit

Пр-во: Whirlpool

Whirlpool 481010596938 Средний ящик для холодильника IKEA, Whirlpool, IndesitРазмеры: 400х362х255ммПодходит для холодильников:IKEA: 202.822.87 CB DC181 FRIDGE/FREE 703.660.53 CB DC190 FRIDGE/FREE 203.660.79 CB DC191 FRIDGE/FREE 402.822.91 CB DC160 FRIDGE/FREE 403.660.78 CB DC194 FRIDGE/FREE 202.822.92 CB DC164 FRIDGE/FREE 102.822.97 CB 181/5 FRIDGE/FREE 002.822.88 CB DC184 FRIDGE/FREE 402.822.86 CB DC180 FRIDGE/FREE 603.660.77 CB DC195 FRIDGE/FREE и др.Indesit, Whirlpool:B 18 A1 D V E S/IIB 5050 A1 D. UKB 18 A1 D/IBI18A1DICBIN18A1DIFB 18 A1 D/I MCB 18 A1 D S/I MCB 18 A1 D V E/IB 18 A1 D S/IE IB 15050 A1 D. UKB 18 A2 D/IIB 7030 A1 D. UKB 18 A1 D. CN/IART 6503/A+ART 9610/A+ART 6600 A+ SART 6613/A+ART 6614/A+ SFART 6602/A+ART 6502/A+ART 6500/A+ART 6500 D EXART 6713/A+ART 6611/A++ART 7810/A++ART 6601/A+ART 6600/A+ART 6514/A+ART6619A+FART 9810/A+ART 6610/A++ART 6511/A+и др.

7006 Руб.

Карандаш чернографитный Koh-I-Noor 1860 F Gold Star, профессиональный

Карандаш чернографитный Koh-I-Noor 1860 F Gold Star, профессиональный


Твёрдость грифеля : F; Тип : Для художественных и графических работ; Тип : Для школы и офиса; Тип : Для черчения; Утолщённые : Нет; Форма : Шестигранные; Состав : Дерево, графит;

1081 Руб.

Товары для здоровья:

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