penman sharon devil s brood

Penman Sharon Devil's Brood

Penman Sharon Devil's Brood


In this gripping tale of passion, politics and conflict, King Henry II finds himself brutally betrayed by his wife Eleanor and three eldest sons when they enter into a rebellion against him. Aligning themselves with Henry's most bitter enemy, King Louis of France, their treacherous actions will have devastating consequences as they bring about the downfall of a brilliant man and a powerful empire. In Devil's Brood, the compelling story of Henry and Eleanor's once great love affair is explored in an uniquely vivid way. What twists of fate turn love to hatred? What points of principle and ambition cause these two icons to struggle for power, leaving their family tragically divided and their turbulent marriage finished in all but name? Sharon Penman's glorious trilogy reaches its spellbinding conclusion.

3631 Руб.

Martin G., Dozois G. (ред.) Dangerous Women 2

Martin G., Dozois G. (ред.) Dangerous Women 2


Dangerous Women Vol. 2 includes stories by Lev Grossman, Sharon Kay Penman, S. M. Stirling, Sam Sykes, Caroline Spector, and Nancy Kress, and features an entirely new 28,000-word Outlander novella by New York Times bestselling author Diana Gabaldon.

479 Руб.

Martin G., Dozois G. (ред.) Dangerous Women 2

Martin G., Dozois G. (ред.) Dangerous Women 2


Dangerous Women Vol. 2 includes stories by Lev Grossman, Sharon Kay Penman, S. M. Stirling, Sam Sykes, Caroline Spector, and Nancy Kress, and features an entirely new 28,000-word Outlander novella by New York Times bestselling author Diana Gabaldon.

479 Руб.

Penman Sharon Lionheart

Penman Sharon Lionheart


Richard I was crowned King in 1189 and set off almost immediately for the Third Crusade. This was a bloody campaign to regain the Holy Land, marked by warfare among the Christians and extraordinary campaigns against the Saracens. Men and women found themselves facing new sorts of challenges and facing an uncertain future. John, the youngest son, was left behind - and with Richard gone, he was free to conspire with the French king to steal his brother's throne. Overshadowing the battlefields that stretched to Jerusalem and beyond were the personalities of two great adversaries: Richard and Saladin. They quickly took the measure of each other in both war and diplomacy. The result was mutual admiration: a profound acknowledgement of a worthy opponent. In Lionheart, a gripping narrative of passion, intrigue, battle and deceit, Sharon Penman reveals a true and complex Richard - a man remarkable for his power and intelligence, his keen grasp of warfare and his concern for the safety of his men, who followed him against all odds.

1535 Руб.

Penman Sharon A King's Ransom

Penman Sharon A King's Ransom


Travelling home from the bloody battlefields of the Holy Land, the Crusader King Richard the Lionheart is shipwrecked in the Mediterranean after an encounter with pirates. He should be protected by a papal decree, but he is betrayed and captured by the Duke of Austria - a man who has good reason to loathe him - and is immediately claimed by the Holy Roman Emperor, who also bears him a bitter grudge. Richard is to spend fifteen months imprisoned, much of it in the notorious fortress at Trefils, which few men ever left. Meanwhile, his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, is moving heaven and earth to raise a staggering ransom, travelling across Europe herself to buy the release of her favourite son. But her determination may not be enough. At the eleventh hour, the Duke announces that he has had a better offer from the French king, Philippe, and Richard's own treacherous brother, John. They will pay an even larger sum to continue Richard's captivity - or to turn him over to their tender mercies. Told with masterful insight and rich historical detail, A King's Ransom is a striking portrayal of the darker, troubled years of Richard - a man whose courage, compassion and intelligence became the stuff of legend.

2935 Руб.

Penman Sharon Here be Dragons

Penman Sharon Here be Dragons


An absorbing historical novel of power and betrayal, loyalty and political intrigue in thirteenth-century England, Wales and France, centring on King John of England, younger brother to the brilliant Richard Lionheart, Joanna, his illegitimate but recognised daughter and Llewellyn Ab Iowerth, Prince of Gwynedd, a bitter opponent of English ways, laws and encroachment into Wales who becomes Joanna’s husband.

3632 Руб.

Penman Sharon The Sunne in Splendour

Penman Sharon The Sunne in Splendour


This special thirtieth anniversary edition of the bestselling The Sunne in Splendour, features an author's note from Sharon Penman. Richard, last-born son of the Duke of York, was seven months short of his nineteenth birthday when he bloodied himself at the battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury, earning his legendary reputation as a battle commander in the Wars of the Roses, and ending the Lancastrian line of succession. But Richard was far more than a warrior schooled in combat. He was also a devoted brother, an ardent suitor, a patron of the arts, an indulgent father, a generous friend. Above all, he was a man of fierce loyalties, great courage and firm principles, who was ill at ease among the intrigues of Edward's court. The very codes Richard lived by ultimately betrayed him. But he was betrayed by history too. Leaving no heir, his reputation was at the mercy of his successor, and Henry Tudor had too much at stake to risk mercy. Thus was born the myth of King Richard III, the man who would stop at nothing to gain the throne. Filled with the sights and sounds of battle, the customs and love of daily life, the rigours and dangers of Court politics and the touching concerns of very real men and women, The Sunne in Splendour is a richly coloured tapestry of medieval England.

5051 Руб.

Penman Sharon The Land Beyond the Sea

Penman Sharon The Land Beyond the Sea


Filled with drama and battle, tragedy and romance, Sharon Penman's The Land Beyond the Sea tells the epic tale of a clash of cultures that will resonate with readers today. 1172. The Kingdom of Jerusalem, also known as Outremer - the land beyond the sea. A young realm, Outremer was baptized in blood when the men of the First Crusade captured Jerusalem from the Saracens in 1099. The crusaders who stayed have adapted to an utterly new world: a landscape of blazing heat, exotic customs and enemies who are also neighbours. Seeking retribution for the massacre in 1099, Saladin, leader of the vast Saracen army, launches a campaign to reclaim the sacred land from its current ruler, Baldwin IV. But while the young king proves to be intelligent, courageous and dedicated to the welfare and protection of his people, he lives his life under the terrible affliction of leprosy which has plagued him from an early age. While the scheming of rival factions and fierce political deception plague the halls of the royal court, the ever-present threat from Saladin weighs heavily on the young king's shoulders. Furthermore, there are few that Baldwin can trust, including the archbishop William of Tyre and Lord Balian d'Ibelin, a charismatic leader who has been one of the few to maintain the peace. But war is coming…

2848 Руб.

Penman Sharon When Christ and His Saints Slept

Penman Sharon When Christ and His Saints Slept


With this novel Sharon Penman moves to a new set of characters and to 12th Century England and the early civil war between Stephen and his cousin, The Empress Made - A long fight to won the English throne. Stephen was handsome, unreliable and beguiling. Maude was courageous, beautiful and insanely arrogant. They fought for twenty years and devastated England. Their flair for dramatic events and immense catastrophes made sure that they were never boring.

4115 Руб.

Martin George R. R., Gabaldon Diana, Dozois Gardner Dangerous Women. Part 2

Martin George R. R., Gabaldon Diana, Dozois Gardner Dangerous Women. Part 2


This second volume features an original short story by Megan Lindholm (who also writes as Robin Hobb). In the bittersweet ‘Neighbors’ Sarah, a rather strange widow, lives isolated and alone, surrounded by young families. But is the old lady afflicted by dementia – or by something far more odd? Other contributors to this volume of stories of formidable women include worldwide bestselling authors Diana Gabaldon, with an Outlander story, Sharon Kay Penman and Lev Grossman.

1733 Руб.

Набор настольных игр Games Workshop Gargoyle Brood, 1 шт.

Набор настольных игр Games Workshop Gargoyle Brood, 1 шт.

Пр-во: Games Workshop

Крылатые бестии Горгулий (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) часто можно встретить в качестве поддержки первых волн тиранидского нашествия. Основная цель Горгулий (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) — дезорганизовать противника и не дать ему сосредоточиться до того момента, как подойдут основные силы тиранид. С физиологической точки зрения Горгульи (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) являются одним из эволюционных ответвлений термагаунта. Переняв от своего генетического предка животную хитрость и инстинктивное умение атаковать обнаруженные слабости, горгульи (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) закрепляют это преимущество с помощью высокой манёвренности, которую им даёт пара крыльев. И хотя слухи об этих тварях преувеличивают опасность горгулий (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood), их противники смотрят на небеса с опаской и готовностью к бою, ведь безобидная на первый взгляд тучка может оказаться сворой горгулий (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood). Те, кто сталкивался с горгульями (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) и выжил, считают их трусливыми созданиями, намеренно избегающими рукопашного боя. Это действительно так, ведь крылья горгулий (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) достаточно легко повредить. Однако, если Разум Улья подавит их инстинкты, горгульи (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) набрасываются на врага, атакуя его когтями и ослепляя его плевками яда. Сознательно допущенная кривизна в теле горгулий (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) позволяет им проникать в, казалось, невозможные для проникновения места. Вентиляционная шахта, наблюдательный люк, выхлопная труба мануфакторума или даже шахта мусоросжигателя — при достаточном количестве времени горгульи (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) проберутся и туда. Обнаружив противника, горгульи (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood) атакуют его всеми возможными средствами, стремясь выбраться на открытое пространство, где их манёвренность снова станет их силой. И хотя они не являются сильнейшими существами Улья, оказаться с ними в закрытом помещении равнозначно мучительному самоубийству. И небо темнеет Данный набор содержит все необходимые детали для сборки 10 моделей Горгулий (Tyranid Gargoyle Brood). В комплект входят 10 маленьких подставок для летающих моделей. Внимание! Набор не собран и не окрашен! Клей и краски в комплект не входят. При сборке рекомендуется использовать пластиковый клей, инструменты и краски

8790 Руб.

Приманка Yoshi Onyx Brood Leap. 02, съедобная, силиконовая, 130 мм, 6 шт

Приманка Yoshi Onyx Brood Leap. 02, съедобная, силиконовая, 130 мм, 6 шт

Пр-во: Yoshi Onyx

Впечатляющее членистоногое существо от Yoshi Onyx – Brood Leap. Это ракообразное из съедобного силикона - весомый выбор для основательной рыбалки. Глубокая, с основательным укрытием, яма, волнующее предчувствие выходящего за рамки грандиозного события – берите из коробки Brood Leap. Brood Leap – это незаурядный выбор, это выбор победителя! Монументальный размер, фантастическая форма и грандиозные цветовые сочетания – эта приманка для той единственной, ради которой всё Это.

510 Руб.

Приманка Yoshi Onyx Brood Leap. 14, съедобная, силиконовая, 130 мм, 6 шт

Приманка Yoshi Onyx Brood Leap. 14, съедобная, силиконовая, 130 мм, 6 шт

Пр-во: Yoshi Onyx

Впечатляющее членистоногое существо от Yoshi Onyx – Brood Leap. Это ракообразное из съедобного силикона - весомый выбор для основательной рыбалки. Глубокая, с основательным укрытием, яма, волнующее предчувствие выходящего за рамки грандиозного события – берите из коробки Brood Leap. Brood Leap – это незаурядный выбор, это выбор победителя! Монументальный размер, фантастическая форма и грандиозные цветовые сочетания – эта приманка для той единственной, ради которой всё Это.

510 Руб.

Игра для компьютера: Starcraft 1 Gold (Jewel диск)

Игра для компьютера: Starcraft 1 Gold (Jewel диск)

Пр-во: Blizzard Entertainment

Издание содержит игру "StarCraft 1" и дополнение "StarCraft: Brood War".Война Протосов, Зергов и Землян приобрела воистину эпический размах. С момента появления StarCraft во всем мире было продано более девяти миллионов копий игры! Гениальная стратегия удостоилась званий "Лучшей игры года" и "Лидера продаж" - результат, которого добился далеко не каждый конкурент. Официальное дополнение StarCraft: Brood War лишь закрепило достижения оригинала, сделав его еще динамичней и насыщенней. Сборник "StarCraft StarCraft: Brood War" объединяет оба этих проекта, чтобы вдохнуть в величайшую игру новую жизнь!Сценарий StarCraft и StarCraft: Brood War повествует о кровопролитном противостоянии людей и двух инопланетных рас. Отбиваясь то от насекомоподобных Зергов, то от загадочных Протосов, Конфедерация Земли не может сдержать натиск противников и теряет одну планету за другой. Вам предстоит поочередно стать офицером на стороне человечества, наместником Зергов и служителем Протосов, чтобы понять истинные причины вселенского кровопролития.В сборнике "StarCraft StarCraft: Brood War" игроков ждут шесть увлекательных кампаний - по две за каждую расу, дополнительные боевые единицы и сценарии из StarCraft: Brood War, а также огромное количество карт для коллективной игры.

6655 Руб.

Penman S. The Land Beyond the Sea

Penman S. The Land Beyond the Sea


Filled with drama and battle, tragedy and romance, Sharon Penmans The Land Beyond the Sea tells the epic tale of a clash of cultures that will resonate with readers today. 1172. The Kingdom of Jerusalem, also known as Outremer - the land beyond the sea. A young realm, Outremer was baptized in blood when the men of the First Crusade captured Jerusalem from the Saracens in 1099. The crusaders who stayed have adapted to an utterly new world: a landscape of blazing heat, exotic customs and enemies who are also neighbours. Seeking retribution for the massacre in 1099, Saladin, leader of the vast Saracen army, launches a campaign to reclaim the sacred land from its current ruler, Baldwin IV. But while the young king proves to be intelligent, courageous and dedicated to the welfare and protection of his people, he lives his life under the terrible affliction of leprosy which has plagued him from an early age. While the scheming of rival factions and fierce political deception plague the halls of the royal court, the ever-present threat from Saladin weighs heavily on the young kings shoulders. Furthermore, there are few that Baldwin can trust, including the archbishop William of Tyre and Lord Balian dIbelin, a charismatic leader who has been one of the few to maintain the peace. But war is coming . . .

1368 Руб.

Товары для здоровья:

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