lemaitre pierre rosy and john

Lemaitre Pierre Rosy and John

Lemaitre Pierre Rosy and John


Jean Garnier lives on the fringes - a lonely nobody who has lost everything dear to him. His girlfriend was killed in an unexplained accident, his mother has just been sent to prison - he has even lost his job after the sudden death of his boss. In one last, desperate cry for help, Jean sets up seven lethal bombs, hidden all over Paris and timed so that one will explode every 24 hours. After the first detonation, Jean gives himself up to the police. He has one simple demand: his mother must be released, or the daily explosions will continue. Camille Verhoeven is faced with a race against time to uncover the secrets of this troubled young man and avert a massive human disaster.

1008 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Rosy & John

Lemaitre Pierre Rosy & John


A gripping addition to Lemaitre's award-winning Paris trilogy - Irene, Alex and CamilleJean Garnier lives on the fringes - a lonely nobody who has lost everything dear to him. His girlfriend was killed in an unexplained accident, his mother has just been sent to prison - he has even lost his job after the sudden death of his boss.In one last, desperate cry for help, Jean sets up seven lethal bombs, hidden all over Paris and timed so that one will explode every 24 hours.After the first detonation, Jean gives himself up to the police. He has one simple demand: his mother must be released, or the daily explosions will continue.

618 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Rosy & John

Lemaitre Pierre Rosy & John


« La bombe a convenablement fonctionne ; sur ce plan, il a tout lieu d’etre satisfait. Les rescapes tentent deja de secourir les victimes restees au sol. Jean s’engouffre dans le metro. Lui ne va secourir personne. Il est le poseur de bombes. » Jean Garnier n’a plus rien a perdre dans la vie : sa mere est en prison, sa petite amie a ete tuee et il n’a plus de travail. Face a ce jeune paume, Camille Verhoeven doit agir avec plus de finesse que jamais : Jean est-il une vraie menace pour le pays tout entier, ou juste un loser atteint de la folie des grandeurs ? En exclusivite pour Le Livre de Poche, Pierre Lemaitre signe ici une intrigue saisissante ou chaque minute qui passe peut couter des centaines de vies.

1069 Руб.

Lemaitre P. Rosy & John

Lemaitre P. Rosy & John


A gripping addition to Lemaitre's award-winning Paris trilogy - Irene, Alex and Camille Jean Garnier lives on the fringes - a lonely nobody who has lost everything dear to him. His girlfriend was killed in an unexplained accident, his mother has just been sent to prison - he has even lost his job after the sudden death of his boss. In one last, desperate cry for help, Jean sets up seven lethal bombs, hidden all over Paris and timed so that one will explode every 24 hours. After the first detonation, Jean gives himself up to the police. He has one simple demand: his mother must be released, or the daily explosions will continue.

618 Руб.

Lemaitre P. Rosy & John

Lemaitre P. Rosy & John


A gripping addition to Lemaitre's award-winning Paris trilogy - Irene, Alex and Camille Jean Garnier lives on the fringes - a lonely nobody who has lost everything dear to him. His girlfriend was killed in an unexplained accident, his mother has just been sent to prison - he has even lost his job after the sudden death of his boss. In one last, desperate cry for help, Jean sets up seven lethal bombs, hidden all over Paris and timed so that one will explode every 24 hours. After the first detonation, Jean gives himself up to the police. He has one simple demand: his mother must be released, or the daily explosions will continue.

618 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Three Days and a Life

Lemaitre Pierre Three Days and a Life


Antoine is twelve years old. His parents are divorced and he lives with his mother in Beauval, a small, backwater town surrounded by forests, where everyone knows everyone's business, and nothing much ever happens. But in the last days of 1999, a series of events unfolds, culminating in the shocking vanishing without trace of a young child. The adults of the town are at a loss to explain the disappearance, but for Antoine, it all begins with the violent death of his neighbour's dog. From that one brutal act, his fate and the fate of his neighbour's six year old son are bound forever. In the years following Remi's disappearance, Antoine wrestles with the role his actions played. As a seemingly inescapable net begins to tighten, breaking free from the suffocating environs of Beauval becomes a gnawing obsession. But how far does he have to run, and how long will it take before his past catches up with him again?

1532 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Irene

Lemaitre Pierre Irene


The Novelist Kills by the Book For Commandant Camille Verhoeven life is beautiful. He is happily married and soon to become a father. He's Always One Chapter Ahead But his blissful existence is punctured by a murder of unprecedented savagery. When his team discovers that the killer has form - and each murder is a homage to a classic crime novel - the Parisian press are quick to coin a nickname . . . The Novelist. He Hates Happy Endings With the public eye fixed on both hunter and hunted, the case develops into a personal duel, each hell-bent on outsmarting the other. There can only be one winner. The one who has the least to lose.

1911 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Camille

Lemaitre Pierre Camille


With Nothing Else to Lose Anne Forestier finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time when she blunders into a raid on a jeweller's on the Champs-Elysees. Bludgeoned beyond recognition, she is lucky to survive. But her ordeal has only just begun. He Can Break All the Rules Lying helpless in her hospital bed, with her assailant still at large, Anne is in mortal danger. Only one thing gives her hope: Commandant Camille Verhoeven. To Protect the Woman He Loves For Verhoeven it's a case of history repeating itself. He cannot lose Anne as he lost his wife. This time he faces an adversary whose greatest strength appears to be Verhoeven's matchless powers of intuition.

2363 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Sacrifices

Lemaitre Pierre Sacrifices


« Un evenement est considere comme decisif lorsqu'il desaxe completement votre vie. Par exemple, trois decharges de fusil a pompe sur la femme que vous aimez. » Anne Forestier, la nouvelle compagne du commandant Verhoeven, est l’unique temoin d’un braquage dans une bijouterie des Champs-Elysees. Elle a ete violemment tabassee et laissee pour morte. Atmosphere glacante, ecriture seche, mecanique implacable : Pierre Lemaitre a impose son style et son talent dans l'univers du thriller. Apres Alex, il acheve ici une trilogie autour du commandant Verhoeven, initiee avec Travail soigne. Par l’auteur de Au revoir la-haut, prix Goncourt 2013. Lemaitre sait se renouveler, surprendre a chaque nouveau recit et c’est encore le cas avec ce Sacrifices a la machinerie parfaite, aux rebondissements imprevisibles, qui est en outre ?uvre d’ecrivain authentique. Oppressant, haletant, Sacrifices ne triche jamais. Roger Martin, L’Humanite.

1379 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Alex

Lemaitre Pierre Alex


Qui connait vraiment Alex ? Elle est belle. Excitante. Est-ce pour cela qu'on l'a enlevee, sequestree et livree a l'inimaginable ? Mais quand le commissaire Verhoeven decouvre enfin sa prison, Alex a disparu. Alex, plus intelligente que son bourreau. Alex qui ne pardonne rien, qui n'oublie rien, ni personne. Un thriller glacant qui jongle avec les codes de la folie meurtriere, une mecanique diabolique et imprevisible ou l'on retrouve le talent de l'auteur de Robe de marie. [Pierre Lemaitre] hisse le genre noir a une hauteur rarissime chez les ecrivains francais : celle ou se tient la litterature. Jean-Christophe Buisson, Le Figaro magazine. Jubilatoire, litteraire, hitchcockien. Yann Plougastel, Le Monde litteraire.

1426 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Alex

Lemaitre Pierre Alex


She's Running Out of Time Alex Prevost - kidnapped, beaten, suspended from the ceiling of an abandoned warehouse in a wooden cage - is in no position to bargain. Her abductor's only desire is to watch her die. He Wants Only One Thing Apart from a shaky police report, Commandant Camille Verhoeven has nothing to go on: no suspect, no leads. If he is to find Alex, he will have to get inside her head. Escape is Just the Beginning Resourceful, tough, beautiful, always two steps ahead - Alex will keep Verhoeven guessing till the bitter end. And before long, saving her life will be the least of his worries.

2052 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Cadres noirs

Lemaitre Pierre Cadres noirs


Alain Delambre est un cadre de cinquante-sept ans completement use par quatre annees de chomage. Ancien DRH, il accepte des petits jobs qui le demoralisent. Au sentiment d’echec s'ajoute bientot l'humiliation de se faire botter les fesses pour cinq cents euros par mois... Aussi quand un employeur, divine surprise, accepte enfin d'etudier sa candidature, Alain Delambre est pret a tout, a emprunter de l'argent, a se disqualifier aux yeux de sa femme et de ses filles, et meme a participer a l'ultime epreuve de recrutement : un jeu de role sous la forme d'une prise d'otages. Il s'engage corps et ame dans cette lutte pour retrouver sa dignite. S'il se rendait compte que les des sont pipes, sa fureur serait sans limite. Et le jeu de role pourrait alors tourner au jeu de massacre…

1426 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Travail soigne

Lemaitre Pierre Travail soigne


Des le premier meurtre, epouvantable et deroutant, Camille Verhoeven comprend que cette affaire ne ressemblera a aucune autre. Et il a raison. D’autres crimes se revelent, horribles, gratuits… La presse, le juge, le prefet se dechainent bientot contre la « methode Verhoeven ». Policier atypique, le commandant Verhoeven ne craint pas les affaires hors normes mais celle-ci va le placer totalement seul face a un assassin qui semble avoir tout prevu. Jusque dans le moindre detail. Jusqu’a la vie meme de Camille qui n’echappera pas au spectacle terrible que le tueur a pris tant de soin a organiser, dans les regles de l’art… Prix Cognac, 2006.

1426 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre All Human Wisdom

Lemaitre Pierre All Human Wisdom


In 1927, the great and the good of Paris gather at the funeral of the wealthy banker, Marcel Pericourt. His daughter, Madeleine, is poised to take over his financial empire (although, unfortunately, she knows next to nothing about banking). More unfortunately still, when Madeleine's seven-year-old son, Paul, tumbles from a second floor window of the Pericourt mansion on the day of his grandfather's funeral, and suffers life-changing injuries, his fall sets off a chain of events that will reduce Madeleine to destitution and ruin in a matter of months. Using all her reserves of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and a burning desire for retribution, Madeleine sets about rebuilding her life. She will be helped by an ex-Communist fixer, a Polish nurse who doesn't speak a word of French, a brainless petty criminal with a talent for sabotage, an exiled German Jewish chemist, a very expensive forger, an opera singer with a handy flair for theatrics, and her own son with ideas for a creative new business to take Paris by storm. A brilliant, imaginative, free-falling caper through between-the-wars Paris, and a portrait of Europe on the edge of disaster.

2670 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Couleurs de l'incendie

Lemaitre Pierre Couleurs de l'incendie


Fevrier 1927. Apres le deces de Marcel Pericourt, sa fille, Madeleine, doit prendre la tete de l'empire financier dont elle est l'heritiere. Mais elle a un fils, Paul, qui d’un geste inattendu et tragique va la placer sur le chemin de la ruine et du declassement. Face a l'adversite des hommes, a la corruption de son milieu et a l'ambition de son entourage, Madeleine devra mettre tout en ?uvre pour survivre et reconstruire sa vie. Tache d'autant plus difficile dans une France qui observe, impuissante, les premieres couleurs de l'incendie qui va ravager l'Europe. Pierre Lemaitre signe ici le deuxieme volet de la trilogie inauguree avec Au revoir la-haut, prix Goncourt 2013. Un livre plus profond, plus emouvant et plus revolte que celui dont il est le prolongement. Un enorme plaisir de lecture ! Hubert Artus, Lire. Une litterature de conviction, un talent rageur. Francois Forestier, L’Obs. Le lecteur est embarque, scotche, meduse. Francois Busnel, La Grande Librairie

2672 Руб.

Lemaitre Pierre Le Serpent majuscule

Lemaitre Pierre Le Serpent majuscule


« Avec Mathilde, jamais une balle plus haute que l'autre, du travail propre et sans bavures. Ce soir est une exception. Une fantaisie. Elle aurait pu agir de plus loin, faire moins de degats, et ne tirer qu'une seule balle, bien sur. » Dans ce rejouissant jeu de massacre ou l'on tue tous les affreux, l’auteur use avec brio de sa plume caustique. Avec cette ?uvre de jeunesse, il fait cadeau a ses lecteurs d'un roman noir et subversif qui marque ses adieux au genre. Dialogues cinglants, portraits saisissants, scenario impitoyable : du pur Pierre Lemaitre. Une intrigue diabolique, un polar jubilatoire, porte par une heroine haute en couleur. Le Parisien. Implacable et maitrise, drole sous la froideur, sinueux et percutant, un regal de bout en bout. La Croix. Delicieusement immoral, un bijou de virtuosite et d’humour noir. Le Figaro magazine.

2347 Руб.

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