fredrik backman britt marie was here

Backman Fredrik Britt-Marie Was Here

Backman Fredrik Britt-Marie Was Here


The number 1 European bestseller by the author of New York Times bestseller and international phenomenon A Man Called Ove, Britt-Marie was Here is a funny, poignant and uplifting tale of love, community, and second chances. For as long as anyone can remember, Britt-Marie has been an acquired taste. It's not that she's judgemental, or fussy, or difficult - she just expects things to be done in a certain way. A cutlery drawer should be arranged in the right order, for example (forks, knives, then spoons). We're not animals, are we? But behind the passive-aggressive, socially awkward, absurdly pedantic busybody is a woman who has more imagination, bigger dreams and a warmer heart than anyone around her realizes. So when Britt-Marie finds herself unemployed, separated from her husband of 20 years, left to fend for herself in the miserable provincial backwater that is Borg - of which the kindest thing one can say is that it has a road going through it - and somehow tasked with running the local football team, she is a little unprepared. But she will learn that life may have more to offer her that she's ever realised, and love might be found in the most unexpected of places.

1616 Руб.

Backman Fredrik Britt Marie Was Here

Backman Fredrik Britt Marie Was Here


"Britt-Marie can't stand mess. A disorganized cutlery drawer ranks high on her list of unforgivable sins. She begins her day at 6 a.m., because only lunatics wake up later than that. And she is not passive-aggressive. Not in the least. It's just that sometimes people interpret her helpful suggestions as criticisms, which is certainly not her intention. She is not one to judge others — no matter how ill-mannered, unkempt, or morally suspect they might be. But hidden inside the socially awkward, fussy busybody is a woman who has more imagination, bigger dreams, and a warmer heart that anyone around her realizes. When Britt-Marie walks out on her cheating husband and has to fend for herself in the miserable backwater town of Borg — of which the kindest thing one can say is that it has a road going through it — she is more than a little unprepared. Employed as the caretaker of a soon-to-be demolished recreation center, the fastidious Britt-Marie has to cope with muddy floors, unruly children, and a (literal) rat for a roommate. She finds herself being drawn into the daily doings of her fellow citizens, an odd assortment of miscreants, drunkards, layabouts — and a handsome local policeman whose romantic attentions to Britt-Marie are as unmistakable as they are unwanted. Most alarming of all, she's given the impossible task of leading the supremely untalented children's soccer team to victory. In this small town of big-hearted misfits, can Britt-Marie find a place where she truly belongs? Funny and moving, observant and humane, Britt-Marie Was Here celebrates the unexpected friendships that change us forever, and the power of even the gentlest of spirits to make the world a better place.

1245 Руб.

Backman Fredrik Britt-Marie Was Here

Backman Fredrik Britt-Marie Was Here


The number 1 European bestseller by the author of New York Times bestseller and international phenomenon A Man Called Ove, Britt-Marie was Here is a funny, poignant and uplifting tale of love, community, and second chances. For as long as anyone can remember, Britt-Marie has been an acquired taste. It's not that she's judgemental, or fussy, or difficult - she just expects things to be done in a certain way. A cutlery drawer should be arranged in the right order, for example (forks, knives, then spoons). We're not animals, are we? But behind the passive-aggressive, socially awkward, absurdly pedantic busybody is a woman who has more imagination, bigger dreams and a warmer heart than anyone around her realizes. So when Britt-Marie finds herself unemployed, separated from her husband of 20 years, left to fend for herself in the miserable provincial backwater that is Borg - of which the kindest thing one can say is that it has a road going through it - and somehow tasked with running the local football team, she is a little unprepared. But she will learn that life may have more to offer her that she's ever realised, and love might be found in the most unexpected of places.

1300 Руб.

Fredrik Backman. Britt-Marie Was Here

Fredrik Backman. Britt-Marie Was Here

Пр-во: Республика

Европейский бестселлер номер 1, автор бестселлера New York Times и международного феномена «Человек по имени Уве», Бритт-Мари, был «Здесь» — забавная, пронзительная и воодушевляющая история о любви, общности и втором шансе.Сколько мы себя помним, вкус Бритт-Мари был приобретенным. Дело не в том, что она осуждающая, суетливая или трудная — она просто ожидает, что все будет сделано определенным образом. Ящик для столовых приборов должен быть расположен в правильном порядке, например (вилки, ножи, затем ложки). Мы не животные, не так ли?Но за пассивно-агрессивным, социально неуклюжим, абсурдно педантичным назойливым человеком стоит женщина, у которой больше воображения, большие мечты и более теплое сердце, чем кто-либо из ее окружения думает.Поэтому, когда Бритт-Мари оказывается безработной, разлученной со своим мужем, с которым прожила 20 лет, оставленной на произвол судьбы в жалком провинциальном захолустье, которым является Борг, о котором самое доброе, что можно сказать, это то, что через него проходит дорога - и каким-то образом ей поручили руководить местной футбольной командой, но она немного не готова. Но она узнает, что жизнь может предложить ей больше, чем она когда-либо осознавала, и любовь можно найти в самых неожиданных местах.The number 1 European bestseller by the author of New York Times bestseller and international phenomenon A Man Called Ove, Britt-Marie was Here is a funny, poignant and uplifting tale of love, community, and second chances.For as long as anyone can remember, Britt-Marie has been an acquired taste. It`s not that she`s judgemental, or fussy, or difficult - she just expects things to be done in a certain way. A cutlery drawer should be arranged in the right order, for example (forks, knives, then spoons). We`re not animals, are we?But behind the passive-aggressive, socially awkward, absurdly pedantic busybody is a woman who has more imagination, bigger dreams and a warmer heart than anyone around her realizes.So when Britt-Marie finds herself unemployed, separated from her husband of 20 years, left to fend for herself in the miserable provincial backwater that is Borg - of which the kindest thing one can say is that it has a road going through it - and somehow tasked with running the local football team, she is a little unprepared. But she will learn that life may have more to offer her that she`s ever realised, and love might be found in the most unexpected of places.

1990 Руб.

Backman Fredrik Le monde selon Britt-Marie

Backman Fredrik Le monde selon Britt-Marie


Britt-Marie, soixante-trois ans, n’est absolument pas passive-agressive. C’est juste que la crasse et les couverts ranges n’importe comment la font hurler interieurement. Apres quarante ans de mariage et une vie de femme au foyer, elle a besoin de trouver un emploi au plus vite. Le seul poste qu’on lui propose la conduit a Borg, un village perdu frappe par la crise. Alors, quand les enfants du village ont si desesperement besoin d’un entraineur que la commune est prete a confier le boulot au premier venu, peu importe qu’elle n’y connaisse rien ! Pas du genre a se laisser demonter, Britt-Marie, avec sa nouvelle casquette de coach, entreprend de faire un grand menage a Borg, qui a, comme elle, besoin d’un renouveau et d’une seconde chance. Le monde selon Britt-Marie est l’histoire d’une femme qui a attendu toute une vie que la sienne commence enfin. Un plaidoyer chaleureux pour les marginaux qui peuplent nos vies sans qu’on leur prete attention – alors que leur vision du monde peut transformer le notre. Un roman plein d’humanite, grincant mais lumineux. Page des libraires.

2215 Руб.

Backman Fredrik Beartown

Backman Fredrik Beartown


Beartown is a small town in a large Swedish forest. For most of the year it is under a thick blanket of snow, experiencing the kind of cold and dark that brings people closer together - or pulls them apart. Its isolation means that Beartown has been slowly shrinking with each passing year. But now the town is on the verge of an astonishing revival. A bright new future is just around the corner. Until the day it is all put in jeopardy by a single, brutal act. It divides the town into those who think it should be hushed up and forgotten, and those who'll risk the future to see justice done. At last, it falls to one young man to find the courage to speak the truth that it seems no one else wants to hear. With the town's future at stake, no one can stand by or stay silent. Everyone is on one side or the other. Which side would you be on?

3171 Руб.

Backman Fredrik Anxious People

Backman Fredrik Anxious People


It's New Year's Eve and House Tricks estate agents are hosting an open viewing in an up-market apartment when an incompetent bank robber rushes in and politely takes everyone hostage. For Anna-Lena and Roger, busy buying-up apartments to fill the hole in their marriage, it's something else to talk about. For Julia and Ro, panicky parents-to-be, it's yet another worry. Lonely bank manager Zara only came here for the view. While 87-year-old grandmother Estelle seems rather pleased by the company . . . As the police gather outside, the anxious strangers huddled within try to make the best of a very sticky situation - but could it be that they have a whole lot more in common than meets the eye?

2004 Руб.

Backman Fredrik The Winners

Backman Fredrik The Winners


What does it take to stand together? 'It's often said that winners write history, but there are no winners here' This is a small story about big questions. It's a story about family, community, life. It starts with a storm - and a death. But how does it end? Two years have passed since the events that no one wants to think about. Everyone has tried to move on, but there's something about this place that prevents it. The residents continue to grapple with life's big questions: What is a family? What is a community? And what, if anything, are we willing to sacrifice in order to protect them? As the locals of Beartown struggle to overcome the past, great change is on the horizon. Someone is coming home after a long time away. Someone will be laid to rest. Someone will fall in love, someone will try to fix their marriage, and someone will do anything to save their children. Someone will submit to hate, someone will fight, and someone will grab a gun and walk towards the ice rink. So what are the residents of Beartown willing to sacrifice for their home? Everything.

5052 Руб.

Fredrik Backman. Anxious Peopl

Fredrik Backman. Anxious Peopl

Пр-во: Республика

It's New Year's Eve and House Tricks estate agents are hosting an open viewing in an up-market apartment when an incompetent bank robber rushes in and politely takes everyone hostage.For Anna-Lena and Roger, busy buying-up apartments to fill the hole in their marriage, it's something else to talk about.For Julia and Ro, panicky parents-to-be, it's yet another worry.Lonely bank manager Zara only came here for the view.While 87-year-old grandmother Estelle seems rather pleased by the company . . .As the police gather outside, the anxious strangers huddled within try to make the best of a very sticky situation - but could it be that they have a whole lot more in common than meets the eye?

2190 Руб.

Backman Fredrik Us Against You

Backman Fredrik Us Against You


Can a broken town survive a second tragedy? The follow-up to the international bestseller Beartown Can a broken town survive a second tragedy?By the time the last goal is scored, someone in Beartown will be dead . . . Us Against You is the story of two towns, two teams and what it means to believe in something bigger than yourself. It's about how people come together - sometimes in anger, often in sorrow, but also through love. And how, when we stand together, we can bring a town back to life.

3169 Руб.

Backman Fredrik A Man Called Ove

Backman Fredrik A Man Called Ove


Meet Ove. He’s a curmudgeon—the kind of man who points at people he dislikes as if they were burglars caught outside his bedroom window. He has staunch principles, strict routines, and a short fuse. People call him “the bitter neighbor from hell.” But must Ove be bitter just because he doesn’t walk around with a smile plastered to his face all the time? Behind the cranky exterior there is a story and a sadness. So when one November morning a chatty young couple with two chatty young daughters move in next door and accidentally flatten Ove’s mailbox, it is the lead-in to a comical and heartwarming tale of unkempt cats, unexpected friendship, and the ancient art of backing up a U-Haul. All of which will change one cranky old man and a local residents’ association to their very foundations.

1173 Руб.

Backman Fredrik A Man Called Ove

Backman Fredrik A Man Called Ove


There is something about Ove. At first sight, he is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - neighbours who can't reverse a trailer properly, joggers, shop assistants who talk in code, and the perpetrators of the vicious coup d'etat that ousted him as Chairman of the Residents' Association. He will persist in making his daily inspection rounds of the local streets. But isn't it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed? Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so? In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible... The word-of-mouth bestseller causing a sensation across Europe, Fredrik Backman's heartwarming debut is a funny, moving, uplifting tale of love and community that will leave you with a spring in your step - and less ready to judge on first impressions a man you might one day wish to have as your dearest friend.

1848 Руб.

Backman Fredrik A Man Called Ove

Backman Fredrik A Man Called Ove


The international phenomenon: quirky and bittersweet, heartbreaking yet outrageously funny. Perfect for fans of Rachel Joyce's The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry and Jonas Jonasson's The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of a Window and Disappeared. The word-of-mouth bestseller causing a sensation across Europe, Fredrik Backman's heartwarming debut is a funny, moving, uplifting tale of love and community that will leave you with a spring in your step. 'Warm, funny, and almost unbearably moving' Daily Mail 'Rescued all those men who constantly mean to read novels but never get round to it' Spectator Books of the Year At first sight, Ove is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - neighbours who can't reverse a trailer properly, joggers, shop assistants who talk in code, and the perpetrators of the vicious coup d'etat that ousted him as Chairman of the Residents' Association. He will persist in making his daily inspection rounds of the local streets. But isn't it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed? Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so? In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible... There is something about Ove. At first sight, he is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - neighbours who can't reverse a trailer properly, joggers, shop assistants who talk in code, and the perpetrators of the vicious coup d'etat that ousted him as Chairman of the Residents' Association. He will persist in making his daily inspection rounds of the local streets. But isn't it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed? Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so? In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible... The word-of-mouth bestseller causing a sensation across Europe, Fredrik Backman's heartwarming debut is a funny, moving, uplifting tale of love and community that will leave you with a spring in your step - and less ready to judge on first impressions a man you might one day wish to have as your dearest friend.

1797 Руб.

Backman Fredrik A Man Called Ove

Backman Fredrik A Man Called Ove


Ove is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - joggers, neighbours who can't reverse a trailer properly and shop assistants who talk in code. But isn't it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed? Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so? In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible . . .

1990 Руб.

Fredrik Backman. A Man Called Ove

Fredrik Backman. A Man Called Ove

Пр-во: Республика

На первый взгляд Уве почти наверняка самый сварливый человек, которого вы когда-либо встречали. Он считает себя окруженным идиотами — соседями, которые не умеют правильно поворачивать прицеп, бегунами, продавцами, говорящими шифром, и виновниками жестокого государственного переворота, который свергнул его с поста председателя Ассоциации жильцов. Он будет настойчиво совершать ежедневные обходы местных улиц. Но разве не редко в наши дни можно встретить такую ​​старомодную ясность веры и поступков? Такая непоколебимая убежденность в том, каким должен быть мир, и стремление сделать его таким, каким он должен быть на протяжении всей жизни? В конце концов, вы увидите, в Уве есть что-то совершенно неотразимое.At first sight, Ove is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - neighbours who can't reverse a trailer properly, joggers, shop assistants who talk in code, and the perpetrators of the vicious coup d'etat that ousted him as Chairman of the Residents' Association. He will persist in making his daily inspection rounds of the local streets.But isn't it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed? Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so? In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible.

1990 Руб.

Cussler Clive Iceberg

Cussler Clive Iceberg


Here was a sea mystery to rank alongside the Bermuda Triangle and the Marie Celeste. But for Major Dirk Pitt, top troubleshooter for the National Underwater and Marine Agency, it was also the first link in a fantastic chain of events that would lead him too close - and too often - to violent death. And to the discovery of the most sinister and bizarre conspiracy of the century . . . Iceberg.

2125 Руб.

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