camilleri andrea il tuttomio

Camilleri Andrea Il tuttomio

Camilleri Andrea Il tuttomio


Arianna ha appena compiuto trentatre anni, ma il suo temperamento e ancora deliziosamente infantile. Quando Giulio la incontra, in un giorno triste per entrambi, e subito conquistato da questa creatura smarrita, sel- vatica come una bimba abbandonata eppure bellissima e sensuale. Arianna entra nella sua vita con una naturalezza che lo strega e, dal giorno in cui la sposa, Giulio cerca di restituirle la luce che lei gli ha portato offrendo- le tutto cio che potrebbe desiderare: anche quello che lui, a causa di un grave incidente, non puo piu darle... Cosi nella loro routine entrano a far parte gli appuntamenti del giovedi, in cui Arianna si incontra con alcu- ni uomini pagati dal marito, tenuti a rispettare poche regole inviolabili. Ma i giochi di Arianna e Giulio sono troppo torbidi e coinvolgenti per non farsi pericolosi... Ispirato alia scandalosa vicenda dei marchesi Casati Stampa, II tuttomio mette in scena una protagonista femminile straordi- naria: inquietante nel suo candore, splendente di una luce nerissima.

3534 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea Riccardino

Camilleri Andrea Riccardino


The twenty-eighth and final novel in the thrilling, wickedly funny Inspector Montalbano Mysteries series by bestselling author Andrea Camilleri. 'Contrary to what you think, I'm carrying out this investigation as best I can. But let's do this: if I get stuck, if I find I can't go forward or back, then I'll let you know, and you can step in. And offer me a way out. You've gained a bit of detective work through me, haven't you? What do you say?' 'I'm game,' said the Author . . . When Inspector Montalbano receives an early-morning phone call it proves to be the start of a very trying day. For the caller expects Montalbano to arrive imminently at a rendezvous with some friends. But before he can reply the caller announces himself as someone called Riccardino and hangs up. Later that day news comes in of a brutal slaying in broad daylight by an unknown assassin who makes his getaway on a motorbike. And when the Inspector learns of the victim's identity - a man called Riccardino - his troubles are only just beginning. For soon he must contend with the involvement of a local bishop and a fortune teller who reports some strange goings-on in her neighbourhood. All roads soon lead to a local salt mine but the case proves stubbornly intractable until Montalbano receives another unexpected call . . .

3726 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea Un sabato, con gli amici

Camilleri Andrea Un sabato, con gli amici


Le vite di Matteo, Gianni, Giulia, Anna, Fabio, Andrea e Renata detta Rena sono tutte segnate. Fin dall'infanzia, con traumi profondi che vanno a interrarsi in certe zone segrete della coscienza, e dalla giovinezza, che ci aggiunge il suo carico di turbamenti, di rivolte. Gli anni della maturitа potrebbero portare un inizio di pacificazione, se non altro perche le vite sembrano incanalate nei loro binari borghesi, ma non e cosi. Anzi, e proprio il contrario. Perche l'etа matura e il momento in cui i nodi vengono al pettine. Un sabato, con gli amici e un romanzo anomalo, in cui si sente fortissima la voce del Camilleri uomo di teatro, nella geometria delle relazioni tra i personaggi, nelle battute perfettamente calibrate, nelle cadenze stilizzate del tipico dramma contemporaneo: morboso, implacabile, assurdo.

2805 Руб.

De Roberto Francesco I Vicere

De Roberto Francesco I Vicere


Sono i maggiori critici militanti e studiosi italiani a raccontare ogni opera in 10 parole chiave: per penetrare fino al cuore dei capolavori di tutti i tempi. Edizioni integrali, testi greci e latini a fronte, traduzioni eleganti, essenziali note a pie di pagina. In piu, con le tavole sinottiche, e facile collocare vita e opere degli autori nel contesto storico, letterario e artistico. Sulla strada tra ''Mastro don Gesualdo'' di Verga e ''Il Gattopardo'' di Tomasi di Lampedusa si colloca il macigno rappresentato da ''I Vicere''... Prima del ''Gattopardo'' ci sono ''I Vicere'', che con il romanzo di Lampedusa non condividono solo la bellezza e l'eleganza, intesa come ricercatezza formale e come fascino di alcuni personaggi... La voce di De Roberto - che pure scrive il piu importante romanzo politico capace di farsi portavoce della delusione del Sud nei confronti dell'Italia unita - non resta isolata... arrivando fino al ''Sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio'' di Vincenzo Consolo (1976) e a ''Un filo di fumo'' di Andrea Camilleri (1980).

1976 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea Angelica's Smile

Camilleri Andrea Angelica's Smile


Angelica's Smile is the seventeenth novel in the gripping and darkly funny Inspector Montalbano mysteries by Andrea Camilleri. When members of Vigata's elite are targeted in a series of perfectly executed burglaries, Inspector Montalbano reluctantly takes the case. It soon becomes clear however that more links these privileged few than simply their lost possessions… It isn't long too before Montalbano finds himself taken with one of the victims, the captivatingly beautiful young Angelica. But as the detective's attraction grows - until he can think of little else - a series of strange, anonymous letters claiming responsibility for the thefts begin to arrive… With the allure of Angelica beginning to consume him and his relationship with Livia under threat, Montalbano must focus his mind to solve this perplexing investigation before events spiral out of all control.

2035 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea August Heat

Camilleri Andrea August Heat


August Heat by Andrea Camilleri is the tenth installment in the Inspector Montalbano series, now adapted as a major BBC4 television series. The lazy, slow month of August at the height of the Sicilian summer is, Inspector Montalbano assures his girlfriend Livia as they prepare for a relaxing holiday in a villa he has found for them, far too hot for any murders to be committed. But when Livia's friends' young son goes missing, a chain of events is sparked which will certainly ruin the Chief Inspector's pleasant interlude. A secret apartment and a grisly find in an old trunk are just the beginning, as Montalbano navigates his way through the case, as well as coping with the sweltering heat, the suspicious death of an Arab labourer and the tempting lure of a beautiful girl…

2191 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea Hunting Season

Camilleri Andrea Hunting Season


Sicily, 1880. When a stranger arrives in Vigata, the town's inhabitants immediately become unsettled. It seems the young man, Fofo, is the son of a local peasant legendary for his home-grown medicines; a man who was murdered many years before. Fofo opens his own pharmacy in Vigata and his remedies are sought by many. But he soon finds himself entangled with the local nobility: Don Filippo - a philandering marchese set on producing a new heir, his long-suffering wife Donna Matilde, his eccentric elderly father Don Federico, his son Federico and beautiful daughter Ntonto, above all. But it won't be long before death visits Vigata and the town and its most noble family will never be the same again… Both a delightful murder mystery and a comic novel of huge brio, fired by love and obsession and filled with memorable characters, Hunting Season is a captivating novel from Andrea Camilleri, the bestselling author of the Inspector Montalbano series.

2435 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea I racconti di Nene

Camilleri Andrea I racconti di Nene


Con le sue storie Andrea Camilleri riesce sempre a creare una magia narrativa. Si sentono gli odori e si percepiscono gli sguardi. Con poche pennellate evoca i personaggi in un modo talmente vivo da renderli realmente presenti. Con pochi tratti ce li fa conoscere nella loro intimita e con le loro piccole debolezze cosi umane. Ma sempre con uno sguardo insieme ironico e affettuoso. Ed e per questo che finiamo per amarli: ci sembra di conoscerli, di aver fatto con loro un tratto di strada. I racconti raccolti in questo libro ci restituiscono al meglio l'affabulatore Camilleri. Tra i piu intimi, autobiografici e sentiti del romanziere siciliano, questi racconti fulminanti ci riservano una sorpresa in piu, perche i personaggi evocati si chiamano Leonardo Sciascia e Luigi Pirandello, Eduardo De Filippo e Renato Rascel, Jean Genet e Samuel Beckett, George Patton. Ed e cosi che Camilleri ci porta per mano dentro storie vere, che appartengono alla sua vita e alla sua memoria, e che finalmente vedono la luce. L'avvento del fascismo e lo sbarco degli Alleati, il separatismo e la mafia, le amicizie e la famiglia, gli incontri con i grandi maestri e, su tutto, lei: l'amata Sicilia. Un libro che ci fa sedere vicino al creatore di Montalbano. Perche quando Camilleri prende la parola e si mette a raccontare, una cosa e certa: ci incanta.

3760 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea The Overnight Kidnapper

Camilleri Andrea The Overnight Kidnapper


The Overnight Kidnapper is the twenty-third Inspector Montalbano mystery, from the international bestselling author Andrea Camilleri. After a hectic morning involving two rather irritating cases of mistaken identity, Inspector Montalbano finally arrives in his office ready to find out what's troubling Vigata this week. What he discovers is unnerving. A woman on her way home from work has been held up at gunpoint, chloroformed and kidnapped, but then released just hours later - unharmed and with all her possessions - into the open countryside. Later that day, Montalbano hears from Enzo, the owner of his favourite restaurant, that his niece has recently been the victim of the exact same crime. Before long, a third instance of this baffling overnight kidnapping has been reported. As far as Montalbano can tell, there is no link between the attacker and the victims. So what exactly is this mystery assailant gaining from these fleeting kidnappings? And what can he do to stop them? Montalbano must use all his logic and intuition if he is to answer these pressing questions before the kidnapper finds his next victim…

1973 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea Blade of Light

Camilleri Andrea Blade of Light


Blade of Light is the nineteenth gripping addition to the phenomenally successful Inspector Montalbano Sicilian mysteries by Andrea Camilleri. When a gentleman arrives at Montalbano's police station to report an armed robbery on his wife that ended with a kiss, the inspector's suspicions are aroused. As he delves deeper into the case, Montalbano finds that none of the witnesses' stories are adding up, and he can't help but feel that they're not meant to. When a body turns up showing all the signs of a mafia hit, the inspector knows he must excavate the truth from what he is being led to believe. Meanwhile there's a case that keeps winding its way back to Montalbano's office. A locked door has suddenly appeared on a farmer's disused shed, and then, just as quickly, the door disappears. The anti-terrorist police soon intervene, but why are they so keen to keep this away from the inspector? And why does he sense that this case is connected to him somehow? With deceit at every turn and a distraction of the heart taking over his head, Inspector Montalbano must focus if he is ever going to solve this mystery.

1973 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea Excursion to Tindari

Camilleri Andrea Excursion to Tindari


The fifth in the hit Italian crime series by Andrea Camilleri, Excursion to Tindari is a darkly comic detective story featuring Inspector Montalbano. Maybe a phrase, a line, a hint somewhere would reveal a reason, any reason, for the elderly couple's disappearance... A young Don Juan is found murdered in front of his apartment building early one morning, and an elderly couple is reported missing after an excursion to the ancient site of Tindari - two seemingly unrelated cases for Inspector Montalbano to solve amid the daily complications of life at Vigata police headquarters. But when Montalbano discovers that the couple and the murdered young man lived in the same building, his investigation stumbles onto Sicily's brutal 'New Mafia', which leads him down a path more evil and more far-reaching than any he has been down before.

1973 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea The Snack Thief

Camilleri Andrea The Snack Thief


Never has Inspector Montalbano's character - a unique blend of humor, cynicism, compassion, earthiness, and love of good food - been more compelling than in Andrea Camilleri's third Montalbano novel, The Snack Thief. When an elderly man is stabbed to death in an elevator and a crewman on an Italian fishing trawler is machine-gunned by a Tunisian patrol boat off Sicily's coast, only Inspector Montalbano suspects a link between the two incidents. His investigation leads to the beautiful Karima, an impoverished house-cleaner, whose young son steals other school children's mid-morning snacks. But Karima disappears, and the young snack thief's life - as well as Montalbano's - is endangered when the inspector exposes a viper's nest of government corruption and international intrigue.

2125 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea The Terracotta Dog

Camilleri Andrea The Terracotta Dog


Set in Sicily, The Terracotta Dog is the second novel in the humorous Inspector Montalbano series by Andrea Camilleri. After a cloak and dagger exchange with an ageing Mafioso, Inspector Montalbano is left haunted by the man's dying words, which lead him to a mountainside just west of Vigata where he unearths two young lovers, dead fifty years and still embracing, watched over by a life-size terracotta dog. Heedless of personal danger, Montalbano's drive to solve this old crime forces him on a journey through Sicily's World War II history and to the dark heart of one family…

2125 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea The Sicilian Method

Camilleri Andrea The Sicilian Method


In The Sicilian Method, Andrea Camilleri's twenty-sixth novel in the Inspector Montalbano mystery series, Montalbano finds his answers to a murder in a theatrical play. Mimi Augello is visiting his lover when the woman's husband unexpectedly returns to the apartment. Hurriedly, he climbs out the window and into the downstairs apartment, but from one danger to another. In the dark he sees a body lying on the bed. Shortly afterwards another body is found and the victim is Carmelo Catalanotti, a director of bourgeois dramas with a harsh reputation for the acting method he developed for his actors: digging into their complexes to unleash their talent, a traumatic experience for all. Are the two deaths connected? Catalanotti scrupulously kept notes and comments on all the actors he worked with as well as strange notebooks full of figures, dates and names . . . Inspector Montalbano finds all of Catalanotti's dossiers and plays, the notes on the characters and the notes on his final drama, Dangerous Turn. It is in the theatre where he feels the solution lies.

2125 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea Game of Mirrors

Camilleri Andrea Game of Mirrors


Set in Sicily, Game of Mirrors is the eighteenth exciting instalment in the humorous Inspector Montalbano mysteries by Andrea Camilleri. When Montalbano comes to the aid of his new neighbour, Liliana Lombardo, after the engine of her car is interfered with, the inspector can little imagine where this innocuous event will lead. It soon transpires that the young woman - beautiful, intelligent and rather vague about the whereabouts of her husband - is being targeted by someone with a grudge against her. But is Liliana's growing interest in Montalbano simply a product of the detective's innate charm? Or is she trying to lead him astray - and into trouble? Meanwhile the inspector finds himself drawn into another mystery when a bomb explodes outside an empty warehouse in the Sicilian city of Vigata. But who was the bomb intended for? And why was it left in such a peculiar place? As Montalbano and his colleagues investigate the street's residents - some of whom have suspicious mafia links - they begin to receive a barrage of false clues from an anonymous source. As Liliana's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic and leaks around the case threaten Montalbano's reputation; the sense of danger grows. The inspector soon realizes that, with this investigation, he is being led into a hall of mirrors, where there is danger at every turn and nothing is quite clear...

2191 Руб.

Camilleri Andrea The Treasure Hunt

Camilleri Andrea The Treasure Hunt


The Treasure Hunt is the sixteenth gripping novel in Andrea Camilleri's darkly humorous Inspector Montalbano series. When a crazed elderly man and his sister begin firing bullets from their balcony down onto the Vigata street below, Inspector Montalbano finds himself a reluctant television hero. A few days later, when a letter arrives containing a mysterious riddle, the Inspector becomes drawn into a perplexing treasure hunt set by an anonymous challenger. As the hunt intensifies, Montalbano is relieved to be offered the assistance of Arturo Pennisi, a young man eager to witness the detective's investigative skills first hand. Fending off meddling commissioners and his irate girlfriend, Livia, the inspector will follow the treasure hunt's clues and travel from Vigata's teeming streets to its deserted outskirts: where an abandoned house overlooks a seemingly bottomless lake. But when a horrifying crime is committed, the game must surely be laid aside. And it isn't long before Montalbano himself will be in terrible danger . . .

2035 Руб.

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