трубникова т disrupted breath книга на английском языке

Трубникова Т. Disrupted Breath: книга на английском языке

Трубникова Т. Disrupted Breath: книга на английском языке


Originally written in Russian. What are the things experienced by the human soul on the sharpest edge of death or life? Isn't this nothing but revealing of the personality's true essence? The story "Shahid" is an attempt to look "beyond" ... Breathing is so rapid that it is impossible to breathe in ... The heart breaks into pieces of horror. The fate of an ordinary boy viewed through the crushed crooked mirrors of war in the conflict of East and West. The search, the slow clarification of the one's his true path, the lessons taught by life and love, are in the stories "Lollipops", "Christmas Jam", "Chestnuts", "At the Donskoy Monastery". "The Weird Man" is the strangest of all stories in this book. The title of it appeared in my dream. Entire epochs of Soviet life are seen through the story of my heroes. The invention, artfully connected with another invention... You would never guess what happened for real truth in it, in this story. I wish you a risky and unpredictable journey to other people's stories - in my book "Disrupted Breath".

909 Руб.

Трубникова Т. Disrupted Breath: книга на английском языке

Трубникова Т. Disrupted Breath: книга на английском языке


Originally written in Russian. What are the things experienced by the human soul on the sharpest edge of death or life? Isn't this nothing but revealing of the personality's true essence? The story "Shahid" is an attempt to look "beyond" ... Breathing is so rapid that it is impossible to breathe in ... The heart breaks into pieces of horror. The fate of an ordinary boy viewed through the crushed crooked mirrors of war in the conflict of East and West. The search, the slow clarification of the one's his true path, the lessons taught by life and love, are in the stories "Lollipops", "Christmas Jam", "Chestnuts", "At the Donskoy Monastery". "The Weird Man" is the strangest of all stories in this book. The title of it appeared in my dream. Entire epochs of Soviet life are seen through the story of my heroes. The invention, artfully connected with another invention... You would never guess what happened for real truth in it, in this story. I wish you a risky and unpredictable journey to other people's stories - in my book "Disrupted Breath".

909 Руб.

Трубникова Татьяна Disrupted Breath

Трубникова Татьяна Disrupted Breath


What are the things experienced by the human soul on the sharpest edge of death or life? Isn't this nothing but revealing of the personality's true essence? The story "Shahid" is an attempt to look "beyond" ... Breathing is so rapid that it is impossible to breathe in ... The heart breaks into pieces of horror. The fate of an ordinary boy viewed through the crushed crooked mirrors of war in the conflict of East and West. The search, the slow clarification of the one's his true path, the lessons taught by life and love, are in the stories "Lollipops", "Christmas Jam", "Chestnuts", "At the Donskoy Monastery". "The Weird Man" is the strangest of all stories in this book. The title of it appeared in my dream. Entire epochs of Soviet life are seen through the story of my heroes. The invention, artfully connected with another invention... You would never guess what happened for real truth in it, in this story. I wish you a risky and unpredictable journey to other people's stories - in my book "Disrupted Breath".

793 Руб.

Disrupted Breath

Disrupted Breath


Originally written in Russian.What are the things experienced by the human soul on the sharpest edge of death or life? Isn't this nothing but revealing of the personality's true essence? The story "Shahid" is an attempt to look "beyond" ... Breathing is so rapid that it is impossible to breathe in ... The heart breaks into pieces of horror. The fate of an ordinary boy viewed through the crushed crooked mirrors of war in the conflict of East and West.The search, the slow clarification of the one's his true path, the lessons taught by life and love, are in the stories "Lollipops", "Christmas Jam", "Chestnuts", "At the Donskoy Monastery"."The Weird Man" is the strangest of all stories in this book. The title of it appeared in my dream. Entire epochs of Soviet life are seen through the story of my heroes. The invention, artfully connected with another invention... You would never guess what happened for real truth in it, in this story. I wish you a risky and unpredictable journey to other people's stories - in my book "Disrupted Breath".

909 Руб.

Емельянова Т. History of Moscow

Емельянова Т. History of Moscow


Вашему вниманию предлгается книга Емельяновой Т. "History of Moscow". .На английском языке

413 Руб.

Емельянова Т. History of Moscow

Емельянова Т. History of Moscow


Вашему вниманию предлгается книга Емельяновой Т. "History of Moscow". .На английском языке

413 Руб.

Лобанова Т. Москва, на английском языке

Лобанова Т. Москва, на английском языке


Издание на английском языке. Москва на протяжении веков была очагом заботливо сохраняемых культурных традиций. Здесь, в древнем Успенском соборе, главном храме государства, венчались на царство все российские самодержцы. Сюда, в Москву, приезжали торжественно отмечать свои военные победы Петр I и Екатерина II. Как раз Москва, положив себя на жертвенный алтарь войны, в 1812 году предопределила конец великой армии Наполеона. Альбом посвящается историческим достопримечательностям Москвы.

840 Руб.

Лобанова Т. Москва, на английском языке

Лобанова Т. Москва, на английском языке


Издание на английском языке. Иллюстрированный альбом с видами Москвы. Москва... Само звучание этого слова исполнено величавой, былинной силы. Оно словно излучает энергетический импульс, подобный блеску золотых куполов храмов и окладов чудотворных икон. Звездный свет, осеняющий Москву, не угасал во все времена, и ныне, в начале XXI века, над Москвой "великой, златоглавой" вновь звучат колокола древних храмов. Это торжественный "глагол времен", вобравший в себя колоссальную энергию прошлого и предвещающий неотвратимый будущий взлет. В этом голосе Москвы, как и во всем ее образе, сокрыты коренная сила России, ее уверенность в одолении избранного трудного пути, ее смелая устремленность в грядущее.

1176 Руб.

Книга на английском языке Snow White

Книга на английском языке Snow White

Пр-во: Проф-Пресс

Книга про Белоснежку станет отличным подарком для тех, кто начинает изучать английский язык. Потрясающие иллюстрации привлекут внимание, а тексты, адаптированные для начинающих читателей, сделают чтение на английском приятным и увлекательным.

786 Руб.

Chase James Hadley Come easy, go easy

Chase James Hadley Come easy, go easy


Книга представляет собой один из интереснейших детективных романов Джеймса Хедли Чейза, пользующегося неизменной популярностью у читателя. На английском языке. В конце книги помещен лексико-грамматический и лингвострановедческий комментарий. Комментарий Т. Е. Львовой.

51 Руб.

Голсуорси Джон Fraternity: книга на английском языке

Голсуорси Джон Fraternity: книга на английском языке


John Galsworthy (1867—1933) was an English novelist and playwright. "Fraternity" is his early satire of middleclass complacency and artistic aspiration. This work stands as one of his best novels outside "The Forsyte Saga". It is the story of a bohemian upper-class love triangle, and of a mystic tract.

712 Руб.

Реттиева Л. Game: книга на английском языке

Реттиева Л. Game: книга на английском языке


"...In front of me, there was the heart of the house — the owner's desk. The light of the green glass shade of the table lamp nicely set at rest. But it still took me long to summon up courage before I decided to open the biggest drawer with the cut-in lock, from which the key along with the bunch of other keys protruded. The mystery was about to be revealed. The fear of unveiling the secret was even worse than the fear of the unknown..."

1067 Руб.

Gusov S. Photographs (книга на английском языке)

Gusov S. Photographs (книга на английском языке)


Sasha Gusov is a Russian photographer based in London. Introduced to the medium by his uncle, he begun taking photographs at the age of 13. Self-thought, in 1989 he moved to London to pursue his dream of becoming a famous photographer. n 1993, his photographs featuring the Bolshoi theatre on tour with Yuri Grigorovich’s troupe were published in the British Journal of Photography. Since then, his work has been issued in magazines and newspapers such as VOGUE and Cosmopolitan, The Times , and The Daily Telegraph among others. Gusov has exhibited his work throughout Europe and published several photographic books, including Locusts, Shooting Images, Italian Carousel, Belarus Terra Incognita and The royal parks of London. His subjects include pop icons, artists, models, musicians, members of royal family, politicians, workers and his own family.

2399 Руб.

Товары для здоровья:

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