flaubert gustave a simple heart

Flaubert Gustave A Simple Heart

Flaubert Gustave A Simple Heart


'She decided she would teach him to speak and he was very soon able to say, 'Pretty boy!', 'Your servant, sir!' and 'Hail Mary!'' With pathos and humour, Flaubert imagines the unexamined life of a servant girl. Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880). Flaubert's works available in Penguin Classics are Madame Bovary, Sentimental Education, Three Tales and Salammbo.

478 Руб.

Flaubert G. A Simple Heart

Flaubert G. A Simple Heart


'She decided she would teach him to speak and he was very soon able to say, 'Pretty boy!', 'Your servant, sir!' and 'Hail Mary!'' With pathos and humour, Flaubert imagines the unexamined life of a servant girl. Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions.

307 Руб.

Flaubert G. A Simple Heart

Flaubert G. A Simple Heart


'She decided she would teach him to speak and he was very soon able to say, 'Pretty boy!', 'Your servant, sir!' and 'Hail Mary!'' With pathos and humour, Flaubert imagines the unexamined life of a servant girl. Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions.

307 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Un coeur simple

Flaubert Gustave Un coeur simple


L’Histoire d’un c?ur simple est tout bonnement le recit d’une vie obscure, celle d’une pauvre fille de campagne, devote mais mystique, devouee sans exaltation et tendre comme du pain frais. Elle aime successivement un homme, les enfants de sa maitresse, un neveu, un vieillard qu’elle soigne, puis son perroquet ; quand le perroquet est mort, elle le fait empailler et, en mourant a son tour, elle confond le perroquet avec le Saint-Esprit. Cela n’est nullement ironique comme vous le supposez, mais au contraire tres serieux et tres triste.

500 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary, Un coeur simple

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary, Un coeur simple


Le chef d'oeuvre du realisme. Une edition annotee et commentee dans la perspective des nouveaux programmes de francais au lycee. Le texte Decue par son mariage avec Charles Bovary, Emma sombre dans l ennui. Chef-d uvre du courant realiste, ce recit, par l originalite de son ecriture, ouvre la voie au roman moderne. Dans la nouvelle Un c ur simple, les deceptions successives endurees par Felicite font echo a celles d Emma. Le dossier Le texte est associe a un dossier critique, qui comprend: des reperes historiques et biographiques, des fiches de lecture permettant de degager les principaux axes de lecture de l uvre, des exemples d adaptations cinematographiques, deux groupements thematiques composes de textes complementaires et de documents iconographiques en couleurs; des sujets de type bac, pour l ecrit et pour l oral. L'auteur du dossier: Isabelle Lasfargue-Galvez, agregee de grammaire et professeur de lettres classiques en classes preparatoires Le prefacier Ne en 1962, le romancier Christophe Claro est notamment l auteur de Madame Bovary (2011), recit ou il confesse son admiration pour Flaubert.

2022 Руб.

Barnes Julian Flaubert's Parrot

Barnes Julian Flaubert's Parrot


Geoffrey Braithwaite is a retired doctor haunted by an obsession with the great French literary genius, Gustave Flaubert. As Geoffrey investigates the mystery of the stuffed parrot Flaubert borrowed from the Museum of Rouen to help research one of his novels, we learn an enormous amount about the writer's work, family, lovers, thought processes, health and obsessions. But we also gradually come to learn some important and shocking details about Geoffrey himself.

2477 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Novembre

Flaubert Gustave Novembre


Novembre, ecrit au cours des annees 1841-1842, est une bonne initiation a l'oeuvre de Flaubert. Il s'agit d'un texte de jeunesse hante par les themes romantiques - exaltation de soi, aspiration a l'infini, sentiment de la solitude et de la mort, amour impossible -, qui inscrit Flaubert dans la lignee des ecrivains de son temps: Chateaubriand ou Musset. Le personnage feminin du recit est Marie, une jeune prostituee au grand coeur. Son portrait anticipe la place singuliere qu'occuperont le desir feminin et l'amour dans l'oeuvre de l'ecrivain. Marie, qui affirme la violence de sa sensualite, apparait comme la face cachee de Madame Bovary Ce renversement marque bien cette lutte interieure par laquelle Flaubert s'efforcera de gommer son romantisme de jeunesse, d'en maitriser le lyrisme pour se forger son style.

582 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Salammbo

Flaubert Gustave Salammbo


Fille d’Hamilcar et servante de la deesse Tanit, Salammbo donne son nom au roman, et il s’agit bien pour Flaubert de raconter l’amour brut qui l’attache a Matho, le chef des mercenaires employes par Carthage dans sa guerre contre les Romains ; le destin des deux heros est pris dans le tumulte de batailles et de cruautes auquel donne lieu, pres de trois cents ans avant Jesus-Christ, la revolte des mercenaires au retour du combat. En 1856, Madame Bovary avait ete un considerable evenement litteraire. Six ans plus tard, le deuxieme roman de Flaubert, tres attendu, suscita pourtant des reactions contradictoires : beaucoup le jugerent incomprehensible, leste d’une erudition historique excessive, et finalement ennuyeux ; d’autres au contraire s’enthousiasmerent pour son originalite profonde et sa puissance d’evocation. Ce que Salammbo pouvait alors offrir d’etrange ne s’est pas efface, mais l’evidence, s’est imposee d’une beaute jusqu’alors inedite en litterature – la beaute d’une fable ou la violence de l’Histoire se trouve somptueusement mise en scene. Collection Classiques dirigee par Michel Zink et Michel Jarrety. Edition prefacee, annotee et commentee par Jacques Neefs.

1859 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary


With an Introduction by Roger Clark, University of Kent at Canterbury Castigated for offending against public decency, Madame Bovary has rarely failed to cause a storm. For Flaubert's contemporaries, the fascination came from the novelist's meticulous account of provincial matters. For the writer, subject matter was subordinate to his anguished quest for aesthetic perfection. For his twentieth-century successors the formal experiments that underpin Madame Bovary look forward to the innovations of contemporary fiction. Flaubert s protagonist in particular has never ceased to fascinate. Romantic heroine or middle-class neurotic, flawed wife and mother or passionate protester against the conventions of bourgeois society, simultaneously the subject of Flaubert s admiration and the butt of his irony - Emma Bovary remains one of the most enigmatic of fictional creations. Flaubert's meticulous approach to the craft of fiction, his portrayal of contemporary reality, his representation of an unforgettable cast of characters make Madame Bovary one of the major landmarks of modern fiction.

712 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary


Flaubert's story of the beautiful Madame Bovary scandalized Paris when first published in 1856. Seen as flagrantly amoral, its writer was himself prosecuted and, after a sensational trial, acquitted. Today, however, his novel is recognized as a milestone in European literature. Emma Rouault leaves her father to marry Charles Bovary, an insignificant local doctor, and to live among the bourgeoisie of Yonville. An ardent devourer of sentimental novels, Emma fills her head with fantastic notions of gallantry and high romance, which she soon finds lacking in her dull husband. Disillusioned and frustrated she finds solace in a tempestuous love affair with the local squire, naively imagining that he will fulfil her desires. Torn between her licentiousness afid piety, her voracious passion for spending and her constant need for love, Emma Bovary has become one of the greatest, and least conventional, heroines of fiction. Издание полностью на английском языке. Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения.

150 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Sentimental Education

Flaubert Gustave Sentimental Education


Part love story, part historical novel, part satire, and an evocative tale youthful passion, Gustave Flaubert's A Sentimental Education is translated by Robert Baldick and revised with an introduction by Geoffrey Wall in Penguin Classics. Frederic Moreau is a law student returning home to Normandy from Paris when he first notices Mme Arnoux, a slender, dark woman several years older than himself. It is the beginning of an infatuation that will last a lifetime. He befriends her husband, influential businessman Jacques Arnoux, and their paths cross and re-cross over the years. Through financial upheaval, political turmoil and countless affairs, Mme Arnoux remains the constant, unattainable love of Moreau's life. Flaubert described his sweeping story of a young man's passions, ambitions and amours as 'the moral history of the men of my generation'. Based on his own unrequited love for an older woman, Sentimental Education is one of the greatest French novels of the nineteenth century. Geoffrey Wall's fresh revision of Robert Baldick's original translation is accompanied by an insightful new introduction discussing the personal and historical influences on Flaubert's writing. This edition also contains a new chronology, further reading and explanatory notes. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was born in Rouen. After illness interrupted a career in law, he retired to live with his widowed mother and devote himself to writing. Madame Bovary won instant acclaim upon book publication in 1857, but Flaubert's frank display of adultery in bourgeois France saw him go on trial for immorality, only narrowly escaping conviction. Both Salammbo (1862) and The Sentimental Education (1869) were poorly received, and Flaubert achieved limited success in his own lifetime - but his fame and reputation grew steadily after his death.

3146 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Three Tales

Flaubert Gustave Three Tales


First published in 1877, these three stories are dominated by questions of doubt, love, loneliness and religious experience, and together form a triumphant conclusion to Flaubert's literary career. With elegant simplicity, 'A Simple Heart' relates the story of Felicite - an uneducated serving-woman who retains her Catholic faith despite a life of desolation and loss. Inspired by a stained-glass window in Rouen cathedral, 'The Legend of Saint Julian Hospitator' describes the fate of Julian, a sadistic hunter destined to murder his own parents. The blend of faith and cruelty that dominates this story may also be found in 'Herodias' - a reworking of the tale of Salome and John the Baptist.

1935 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary


Flaubert's erotically charged and psychologically acute portrayal of a married woman's affair caused a moral outcry on its publication in 1857. Its heroine, Emma Bovary, is stifled by provincial life as the wife of a doctor. An ardent devourer of sentimental novels, she seeks escape in fantasies of high romance, in voracious spending and, eventually, in adultery. But even her affairs bring her disappointment, and when real life continues to fail to live up to her romantic expectations, the consequences are devastating. It was deemed so lifelike that many women claimed they were the model for his heroine; but Flaubert insisted: 'Madame Bovary, c'est moi.'

2181 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary


HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. '!for her, life was as cold as an attic with a window looking to the north, and ennui, like a spider, was silently spinning its shadowy web in every cranny of her heart.' Married to Charles, a provincial doctor, Emma Bovary yearns for a more glamorous life. Disenchanted with her husband and seeking an escape from their dull marriage she is soon tempted into a brief romantic liaison with another man. Although short-lived, she remains desirous of passion and the finer things in life and embarks on another affair, destroying her reputation. Considered scandalous at the time, Emma Bovary's superficial and immoral behaviour shocked readers and caused moral outcry. Flaubert holds up to ridicule not only Madame Bovary herself, but the society that dares to judge her.

333 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary


Роман Гюстава Флобера «Мадам Бовари» считается одним из шедевров мировой литературы. Эта книга, на французском языке, вошла в серию книг зарубежной классики. «Зарубежная классика — читай в оригинале» — коллекция, которая собрана из бессмертных произведений великих мастеров пера, написанных ими на их родном языке. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углублённо изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков. Учись французскому у Постава Флобера! Неадаптированное издание.

720 Руб.

Flaubert Gustave Trois contes

Flaubert Gustave Trois contes


Comment Felicite, une simple servante normande, en vientelle a confondre dans la meme adoration son perroquet avec le Saint-Esprit? Comment le jeune Julien, auquel tout sourit, mais que le sort destine a tuer son pere et sa mere, parviendratil a devenir un saint? Comment Herodias vatelle reussir a obtenir l'execution de Jean-Baptiste, qui l'a injuriee? Surprenante synthese des differentes dimensions litteraires de l'uvre de Flaubert - realisme, merveilleux romantique, pantheisme et gout pour l'Antiquite -, Trois Contes est aussi son dernier ouvrage publie. A travers ces portraits exemplaires, Flaubert nous propose un raccourci saisissant de trois periodes de l'histoire: le XIXe siecle, le Moyen Age et le debut de l'ere chretienne.

928 Руб.

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